Pay or not to pay?

Hi Peteris, you can import it for your own purpose. But we don’t have permission to share it.

I have tried this site free for about a week - it’s interesting, but I don’t think it is easy to learn how to do much besides make the flashcards. Or, maybe it is easy, but the instructions for how to do it are not apparent (at least to me).

I got the Getting Started email, but it didn’t give enough information. It would help me to have a step by step guide:

  1. Do this first
  2. Do this next
  3. etc, etc

Some of the individual “words” definitions are really only meaningful in the context of a specific phrase - so the hints that give meanings word-by-word alone don’t really explain the meaning of the entire phrase. (simple example - como te llama - taking the te or llama alone doesn’t help you know how the verb and the pronoun make the specific meaning of how that is used) Also, I thought that there was a place you could go to read the English (in my case native language) so you can see what the actual meaning of the sentence - in total - means. There probably is, but I couldn’t find out how to get to it.

I guess the bottom line for me, at this moment, is that it sounds like it could be useful but the directions are not clear enough for me to follow. Maybe I’m too impatient. I don’t mind paying for services such as this, but it just isn’t worth it to me at this point.

I can make it easy.
Go to the library. Find your level. Select something that interests you.
Listen to the lesson with audio. Download it if you like it. Listen a lot.

Go to the English Library and choose “Who is She?” if you are studying that series and read the English translation if you need it.

Everything else will follow in time.

did you try the “help”?

Interesting discussion - I’ve found this site a year ago. I’ve understood necessary functions fairly quickly and that despite the fact that I’m a complete layman in the matter of internet and learning programs. I think this site is self-explanatory, isn’t it. Steve, I think you have done a good job. Not forgetting Mark and the remaining team.

I’m not really new here, but I am a non-paying member. I love this site and I understand how it works. The only reason I haven’t become a paying member yet is because I’m a student and I need to save up money. I think there must be a small percentage like me who are simply limited by their age or income.

I have been a member for a few months now and I’m now strongly considering becoming a paid member. My question is - if i upload content for my own personal use on LingQ, will i lose all the uploads if, in the future i ever downgrade to a free account again?

@AlissaESL - No, you don’t necessarily lose your imported content when you downgrade but we do reserve the right to remove the lessons which have not been accessed in a long time. This can happen when issues arise with space on our servers. To guarantee you keep all materials in your account you should stay upgraded.

I’m a retiree on a fixed income and wondered if I could afford to use LingQ. However, I figured if I can find cheap ways to travel (tent camping or traveling off-season, for example), I can find a way to pay for LingQ points. I thought about being a tutor to earn points, but right now I want to concentrate on studying French.

These are a few things I’m doing to save money to pay for points. I watch for LingQ specials, like the time discounted points were offered. Instead of eating in fast food places or restaurants, I cook low-cost meals at home. I walk wherever I can to save money on transportation costs. My hair is long, and I never pay a beautician for haircuts. I shop at thrift stores or yard sales for clothing and many of the household items I need.

When I think about how much French I’ve learned here, the few sacrifices I’m making are worth it.

Pay or not, that’s the question.

hi, im from Lithuania and im learning ENGLISH (the most common foreign language to learn in
Lithuania). I have started two months ago. Sorry if my expressions are wrong or rough. Its just my opinions and i need answers.

I am going to talk about ligq: payment, efficiency and a little bit of criticism beneath criticism :).

Why there is not payment for different options? not for all. And is not it too expensive? 10$ (Lithuanians can get live lesson + essay correction (1hour) ) . is not than better to buy book with translation, also with stright common words and phrases translations and CD, about 500p, just for 129$? so no computer! you probably will answer that i cant find that in over countries. Its impossible here also… how i can learn chineesee… if tutor cant speak in my native language, so i need to get english first? so why the payment is the same to everyone? as French-English lingq words are translated really good.
What i want? I want pay for linkq, because as you say its fast to get clear new words. BUT do you know that your translation Lithuania - English is soo terrible as i need most to clear out on my own. Phrases - 0, and meanings are sometimes really different.
Its better me than print the transcript clear words out, write them with colors on page and download mp3 file. Use mind maps and imagination to get know words fast.

So i still want pay for highlighted flash yellow boxes to READ faster. :D. I need this tool. Can i find it on the internet (please link someone if you know something like that). I know it will not help me to get new words (just imagine that there are hundreds of yellow highlighted words you dont know :D) Even Rosseta Stone is better place to start :DD, but after that BASICS is read and listen - download mp3, print text, clear out words and may memorize them.

ITS good project, but why owner doesnt give it to someone whu have money to develop this wonderful but even not started project. I thin that the goal is to make it like wiki? you can get The Nobel Prize after death on these days also. Or you want to get rich from this site until death :D? (sorry, bad joke). You know that one day someone will create something like this. firstly they will create for 2 languages, with explanations and direct translated texts like that book which im going to buy.

Main thing Is vocabulary tool. I know that to create this program is easy, so somewhere on internet i can find it, someone know? It would be fantastic if non-online tool. just if i could clear out words on my own, write them in vocabulary and to make them fast to remember as im reading. If there are not program like this i will pay 100$ to lingq.

and how you dear say that its the best way to learn english fast, or right? Nothing could be further from the truth.

and little non-topic thing about studies
my brother learns in St Andrews and he says that its impossible study in non-native language- university without grammar, (essysss). You are learning language so you are going to go to over country and use it, and you will start to speak fast in over country (if its just for training mind, where are better ways, its enough and 3languages to know good) Languages is not your life like Steve"s. May you are a buisiness man or student, than may better to learn how to learn fast?

So pay or not? am i wrong? get me to know if im. sorry for my hastiness and mistakes, havnt time to waste.

yes, i found it :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Steve you should be more of buisness man’s thinking. YOU should learn how to earn money or how to turn people to pay, as everyone can pay for things worth payment. You should invest not they. You should find one whu can invest and turn him! BECAUSE EVERYTHINK IS FOR EDUCATION! now your project is like a dream beautifull.

tomuks. LingQ is an unusual project, combing a personal passion with the necessity to be commercially self-sustaining. We are making good progress in a number of areas, and will continue to do so

as i have thought, thanks - you have answered fast, your video
Kaip mokytis anglų kalbos - YouTube that is the answer .
Lingq shows your words that you know, its like a game :smiley: its funny, so easy to learn, but you know i like learning, so will it help me too if im not idler and wanna try my best?

i decided to pay just because i believe, not as you won me :slight_smile: and Srry if i have written in wrong direction of forum.

I just finished reading through a lot of this thread, and I have to say if you believe in Steve’s method of learning a language…which I do, paying for LingQ is worth it. Come on people, if you’re serious about learning a language, 10.00 a month is nothing. I think a lot of people are just cheap, lazy, full of excuses, and want everything free from the internet, but you get what you pay for. Free language learning sites don’t have the tools to make learning structured, convenient, and natural for you like paying sites… and I’ve seen a lot of them. My focus language is Spanish and LingQ is working fine for me. It’s not perfect, but the effort and work put into it is definitely worth 10.00 a month as opposed to overpriced software and outdated courses that are out there.

Yeah, I agree 10 bucks is nothing for most people. But, I don’t agree with the statement ‘you get what you pay for’. LingQ is cheap and works well if you do it right, Rosetta Stone and Pimsleur are expensive - and terrible.

I’m not sure what you mean by ‘outdated courses’. I’ve found that even old courses are generally very good. Language certainly changes over time and I don’t only read what comes out today only. If I want to read a book from 50 years ago, a course from 50 years ago will likely give me some great information on some phrases/words which are now seen as outdated. Everything has its place. It all depends on what you want. If you want to learn Turkish and care about literature, you can’t simply learn from modern books. That goes for other languages too. I know that reading a Dutch book from 100 years ago, I need to learn the case system! No modern books have that information.

This is really a never ending story - pay or not pay! I think it is worth to pay, at least the basic, because points you can buy extra, there is not a real saving by upgrading to the next step. Somehow it comes to me, that most of the writer just want to write.They enjoy to write, like me and so there is always a topic who is worth to think about. BUT: When my motivation is going down, then I am looking for Steve’s and Alex’s comments or lessons about learning and using the lingq. That helps.The content is really helpful and funny too. However before I can laugh about or learn with it, that’s work for them and for this we have to pay!!!