Page loading performance

I’m now experiencing a performance issue loading lingq pages in Chrome on Mac. It can take up to 5 mins for each page to finish loading. During loading Chrome keeps prompting that some script has become unresponsive.

This issue doesn’t occur in Safari.

Is this a known issue?

@derekhyang - Yes, it seems to be some strange issue in Chrome. We are looking into it now. Hope, we will have it fixed soon. Sorry for this inconvenience.

I’m experiencing something similar in Internet Explorer - I’ll get a message saying is unresponsive.

also in Firefox.

We are working hard on this now :slight_smile: sorry about that and thanks for your patience!

Same in IE.

It appears that the issue is due to this code being called many, many times in button.js.

detectFont:function(b){var e=false;
for(var d in stlib.fingerprint.baseFonts){“,”+stlib.fingerprint.baseFonts[d];
var a=(stlib.fingerprint.s.offsetWidth!=stlib.fingerprint.defaultWidth[stlib.fingerprint.baseFonts[d]]||stlib.fingerprint.s.offsetHeight!=stlib.fingerprint.defaultHeight[stlib.fingerprint.baseFonts[d]]);
e=e||a}return e},

Hi guys! Finally it has been fixed! Try to close your browser and then open again. Should be working fine!

Seems to be fine now. Thanks!

@LingQ team - Thanks for the fix! :slight_smile: