Overriding Lingqs within your WorkDesk item

I have found the Babylon engine to be pretty good when constructing Lingq words. However, frequently I want to override the word that is submitted to the engine. In German for example, where you have a separable verb, e.g. “einsteigen”, and in the case where the prefix goes to the end of the phrase, e.g. “Sie steigen…ein”, the wrong verb is submitted to the engine (“steigen” rather than “einsteigen”).

I would like to be able to override this, so that “einsteigen” is submitted instead. But it doesn’t seem possible from the WorkDesk tab. I want to be able to add it so the Lingq appears with the other Lingqs whenever you open the content item in WorkDesk (I always review my Lingq list by content item).

Is there any way I can do this ?

** I know I can go into the Vocabulary tab and add it in manually, but I don’t think this retains the link (sorry!) between Lingq and content item, so it doesn’t solve my problem.

Hi Jamie,

You can not do what you are asking, unfortunately. :frowning:

You will only see terms in your WorkDesk or Lesson page that actually exist in the text. The separable verbs in German are a tough one since they don’t actually exist in the dictionary form in the text. You will have to add them in the Vocabulary section and review them there.

They will also be included in your LingQs of the Day emails so that may be the way to go about making sure you review them.

Hi Jamie,
I really understand your problems and know that this is, what the German language makes so difficult. I felt this more and more when I created content in the German area and you can believe, I learned know, during doing this, my Language better :slight_smile:

The only way is, to bring those basic verbs as “einsteigen” i.e. with different examples.

Thanks for you comments guys,

Mark - I guess a solution would be to allow you to edit the Lingq word before it is submitted to the engine (so I could add the “ein” at the front). However, I imagine such a new feature wouldn’t be worth the effort you’d need to put in :frowning:

Irene - Danke schön für deine wichtige Arbeit bei Lingq. Deiner Inhalt ist immer erstklassig und hat mir schon sehr viel geholfen !

One of the many items on our “users wishes and improvements” list is the ability to create LingQs from anywhere in the system. It will be a while until we have time to do it. In the meantime you may find it useful to open a second tab in LingQ, open at the Vocabulary section. Then you can simply “add a term” each time you need to create a LingQ.

I find it useful to save the phrase with the separated verb as a good reminder of an example of this separated verb in use. Then you can review both the verb in its unseparated form and an example of it in use in the separated form.

Yes I agree that the content created by Irene is outstanding.

Steve - good workaround, thanks… hadn’t thought of that. I’m a software tester by profession, so shame on me… :wink:

thanks for your praise - nice to hear :slight_smile:

To the LingQ again:
the only point you have to remember is, if you create LingQs with more then one word, you can review this only in “Vocabulary” or when they are coming on the Day emails.

My further suggestion is, to create “tags” for those words - then you can filter for review in “Vocabulary” with using the TAG.

Have fun with

This problem also occurs with other German constructions, such as the embedding of “zu” within a separable verb when it occurs at the end of a sentence. I appreciate the tip of opening a separate window for entering the exceptions. My frustration is that the words I need to learn seem to fall as often in the “exception” category as in the “as written” category.

I too would recommend a means of editing a LingQ prior to its submission for translation and/or addition.