Over 130 lessons in Russian in the Ukrainian course today : it increases day by day

Today: over 130 lessons in Russian in the Ukrainian course, (it continues dy after day).
They all come from Liga Business.
Yesterday it was in the “Politics” section, today it is in the “Activities” section.
Reporting so many anomalies is very long: it would help me if other Ukrainian learners took over a bit and monitored this massive invasion of Russian texts.
Isn’t everything premeditated, organized?
Results: the Ukrainian courses offered by LingQ are overwhelmed by the introduction of Russian courses! But who can lead such a mass action?
Who ensures quality control at LingQ? Is there at least one? Which one?
What is the editorial responsibility incumbent on LingQ for these courses published under its responsibility and accessible to all?
Is there a lawyer who could usefully give his opinion on what is happening?


I wonder if the process is automated and somehow broke due to a change in how the news website works?

I don’t use the news section much so didn’t realise this was happening, but you’re right.

This is a serious and even offensive issue.


Thank you for your post. I have noticed this as well a few days ago. I reported some lessons individually, but there are so many of them.
I also wrote a post to which you kindly replied. No one else took notice (in particular no one from LingQ).
They all seemed to be imported by “LingQ_Support”.
I think this is really something LingQ should take care of urgently (together with the other problems with Russian in the Ukrainian course which you and others mentioned in earlier posts).

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I am sorry that this mishap is happening to you too. And what’s more, we feel quite isolated with our problem that doesn’t seem to interest many people, not even LingQ. And if these texts are also imported by LingQ support, I don’t see how the problem will find a solution? Yesterday, I reported more than 130 lessons (in “Busyness”), and today all these lessons in Russian are still present and accessible in the Ukrainian course. And as you rightly say, we have no reaction from LingQ, no explanation, no action plan described to really put an end to this problem. Good luck to you, with all my heart.


Yes, this is not an ordinary bug. Importing Russian content for Ukrainian learners can be pretty offensive for some people. Personally, I don’t want to see the Russian content but others, I am sure, are much more upset. Quite apart from the issue of making learning the language harder, there is a war going on, people.

Zoran – please let us know if anything can be done soon to fix this.