Order of imported lessons

This happens to me regularly, so I assume it’s happening to others and that you may already be aware of it, but I’ve not noticed it mentioned on the support forum.

Here is a snapshot of the last lessons in a course after I imported Chapter (Глава) 18 and Chapter 19. All these chapters have more than 2000 words and so are automatically split into multiple lessons. Look at the numbers on the left indicating order, and you see that the system assigned the same position #35 to Chapter 18.1 as it already had for Chapter 17.2. This occurs regularly and usually results in things being displayed out of order until I go in and reorder things properly – leaving Import and looking at the lessons on the course page shows the order as 18.1, 17.2, 18.2, …

The request obviously is to properly maintain the order in which lessons are added.

Thanks khardy,
I reported that to our developers. Can you please send me link to the course from your screenshot to support(at)lingq.com in case that our developers need to take a closer look at it? Thanks!

I have one more suggestion here. Please add the option of ordering the lessons in a course (when opening it to choose lessons to study) as ‘ascending’ or ‘descending’. Eg I have 200 lessons in a course and I am regularly adding new ones, so I would suggest that the lesson number 203, 202, 201 and so on would be at the beginning of the list of lessons. Otherwise when I want to study the new ones I need to scroll down every time to get to the very bottom where the most recently added lessons are. So if I had the option to order the lessons in descending order 202, 201, 200… I would first see the new ones and not those I already finished. Thanks!