Order by Importance and Createdate are Identical

In The Vocab section you can sort lingqs by importance and creation date. However to me it seems like these two options are identical. Importance just shows the last added lingqs first. I think it would be better if importance would rank words after how frequent they occur.


That sounds like a but, we will look into it.


Any news on this? I’m having the same issue for the past 6 months and I find it pretty upsetting that I can’t sort my vocabulary basted by frequency of appearance

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I asked our team what is the status here. Will let you know asap.

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So … any update on this yet?

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I just tested this. I filtered my words by importance, saved the filter, and it listed them by what seems to be frequency.

Then I changed the filter to “creation date”, saved the filter, and the system listed the words with my most recent saved word first.

So it seems to be working properly, at least for me.

I went back to make sure I’m not crazy. I look at the list and when I sort by importance I get the words that I last did a change to. I went into my vocabulary and marked a vew words as know . Now when I go and order by importance and select all statuses, the first words to be shown are ones that I just added as know. Could it be that the sort by importance actually sorts words in ascending frequency?

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Doesn’t seem to be the case. When sorting by importance I somehow get words based on creation date

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Well I guess the question is, why is it happening to you and not to me?

What system are you experiencing this on?

I’m using a PC with Chrome.

Also, and I know this is probably a silly question, but you are remembering to save the filter before looking at the word list, right? I’m just asking because I sometimes forget to save. And we may as well cross off the simplest explanation.

I wonder if the words we learn first tend to be more frequently used words, and words we learn later tend to be less frequently used words.

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I used lingq on ios in Europe, and on the PC on the browser. And the behavior is the same on both. If one of the devs wants I am willing to have a call to show him what I experience and help debug it.

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That is probably for most words but not relevant to what I experience

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You’re right, sorry about that. I should have said, this is unrelated to OP’s problem, but I suddenly thought of this interesting possible correlation…

I do hope your difficulty is resolved soon.

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Actually, frequency to me is two different things:

  1. How often the word occurs in the language in general

  2. how likely I am to encounter the word while pursuing topics of interest to me

Obviously #2 would be of more interest to me than #1.
Many high-frequency words, after a certain point, just won’t be relevant to me. So deciding frequency based on how often I’ve encountered a word on LingQ seems like it would be helpful.
Just a thought, in case anyone finds it interesting.

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I found a post saying that the importance criteria is calculated based on how often a word appears in LingQ’s library. Not mine! That would explain why the importance score feels so irrelevant to me? If it works as it should then it could be that a lot of the words I read are not at all in LingQ’s default library, if I am learning a language that is not too popular, in my case Danish. This kind of makes the whole “importance” score irrelevant completelly to me so far. I could use it a lot and probably others too, in prioritizing what to focus on, however the data it gives is noise. I might need to simply try and make my own importance score by exporting the lingqs in a CSV and ordering them based on a frequency dictionary perhaps.

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Another thing that confirms my suspicion is that the number of coins for all words in Danish is 1. I went to the website and ordered by importance, the first word has a coin of 1. Then I went into the app to go to the last page, (because on the website you can’t select which page to go to, you need to go manually though all) I found the last word in my list ordered by importance. I took that word and went back on the website ( because on the app you don’t get shown the number of coins a word is worth) and on the website I saw that word also has a single coin to it if I learn it. So all in all, it seems that the importance feature is useless for Danish. and possibly for other smaller languages. At this point, the only value that lingq gives me is having an ebook reader app with a crappy dictionary and browser tabs to other dictionaries.

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@zoran Could you ask the development team to look into this? I think I provided plenti of information about the bug that I am experiencing with my danish language and I would like to know when it will be solved. At this point it is impacting my progress significantly.

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I added Danish to test, and even for the most basic lesson, all of the words had an importance value of 1, like you said. So, it isn’t really the sort function but rather the “importance” values of Danish words that appear to be the issue.

However, I will say the importance value is not very useful on LingQ anyway (except maybe at the very beginning)

For Spanish, I have >44k words/phrases in my vocabulary list (status 1-5) and there are about 2200 words of importance 2 or greater. The rest are importance 1. As it sits, I have 18 words with importance of 2+ of 24395 words on my list not marked as known (Status 1-3). Sorting by importance doesn’t do much.

I see you have >23k known words in Danish, so you’re likely to see something similar.

I do think it would be useful if they had more importance levels that covered more words. Maybe something like
Top 100 = 9
Top 200 = 8
Top 400 = 7
Top 12800 = 2
Others = 1

There is probably a better way than that, but I think the number of words that are given 2+ importance are simply too few for the feature to be very useful as it is.

For me I can imagine usefull. I find myself missing words that are somewhat common only because what I read is not simple daily use language so I want to compensate by being mindfull to.also but I can,t since I can,T sort them by frequency


I am very frustrated to say the least as I’ve spent several days through the last months trying to figure out a workaround for what should be a simple feature that works.

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