Open Collection

I’m having trouble using the ‘View Collection’ option for almost all of the beginner German content. When I go to ‘Open Collection’, it shows that there are no items there. It seems to be happening only with collections created by Vera and Irene.

That’s to bad.
Maybe the problem is that Irene and I set always “Don’t show this lesson on”.
Some of the recent changes must have cause this problem. It worked some days ago. The programmers should take a look into that problem.
“Open next lesson” in the lesson works. Maybe this is a solution until the problem is solved.

That is the problem, Vera. It will be resolved in our next update in the next few days.

Hi Mark, do you know when this problem is resolved? I’ve uploaded a new podcast (Bild der Wissenschaft, a radio program), and I want to show the podcaster how the collection looks like.

Hi Vera, it should be resolved now with today’s update.