Only one definition shows - iOS app 5.4.20

I’m pretty sure that in previous releases if you tapped on a LingQ you would see all your selected definitions. This is valuable as some words have several wildly different definitions depending on context.

In the latest iOS version 5.4.20 I see only the first definition. Could you make it show all the selected meanings instead of just the top one?


I have the same problem. My solution is to just choose the one that shows up, or make one if there’s that option, and then click out of the popup, THEN click the word again. This time you can click a down-arrow to see all the definitions, and you can choose a better definition or look in a dictionary to see what the word means and type it in the box. Sometimes you can’t add a new definition, in which case you can just backspace through an existing one and type a new one in its place, then click outside of the text entry box until a “lingQ” icon appears in the definition box to show that the lingQ has been successfully created.

“annoying”. nice choice of words there. Yes, it’s annoying, but you can get used to anything after a while, as long as the end result is satisfactory.

And at some point it would be great if this could be fixed. I’ve mentioned it before.

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Agreed. This change is totally unwelcome. It’s bad enough that we only have one definition displayed in sentence mode, now we have to go through more hoops to get all definitions displayed in page view when they were all showing before.

Instead of changing things that work perfectly well, focus on improving things that don’t. The notes function is a perfect example of something that doesn’t work well in its current form. Make it possible for us to have access to a list of these notes and to know which word have a note attached to them like on virtually all e-readers today.



We are the only few ones that apparently use those notes. I would use them even more if they were improved.

Some of us (raising hand) appreciate the notes that others have written. :slight_smile:

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Willow, I understand what you are describing and what I am reporting is a little different. After I have done what you describe and selected my definitions, only the first shows up when I tap the yellow word.

I think in previous versions of the app, all of my carefully selected definitions would show when I tapped the yellow word.

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Oh, I see what you are saying. I’m using Windows/Firefox and Android, and neither of these appear to have the problem you describe.

But, truth be told, I prefer all my definitions on one line and all in the same rectangle. That way everything shows up below the text in sentence mode and the whole definition set is visible in the sidebar vocabulary list and in the “vocabulary” page without needing to click on the word.

I do hope iOS version gets fixed. That sounds frustrating.

Thanks for your feedback, I’ll forward this to our developers.


Yes, but we shouldn’t be forced to write everything in the same rectangle. One word can have more definitions as adjective, noun, verb and so on, and I like to separate those concepts in different fields when I write definitions from the dictionary. In sentence mode it would also be nice to have the possibility to see all definitions we have side by side (which has been asked already). Unfortunately it is not like this. Probably on mobile there is less space, but on the web app there is all space needed to do so.

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Yes, count me as opposed to this, as well. Being able to save multiple definitions per word is part of LingQ’s core functionality, and that’s defeated if it takes several clicks or swipes to access them.


I was just going to make a thread of this. This takes me out of the flow do reading which is kind of contrary to the whole point of Lingq. The definition needed is often not the first one, but only the first one shows. So then to see the definition I need I have to click out again. Why ??

Please fix this. How is this helping people use Lingq as an e-reader? This makes no sense to me. I want to read and get the definitions —- that I have previously Lingqed and supplied!!— with as little effort as possible so I can keep reading.

I tried to make new Lingqs but realized I had already done that — they just are not showing up in this version! So what is the point then?


This seems to have been fixed in the latest update. Thank you!