Only chat

hey, my name is christina. i am from germany and i am new. is there anybody who wants to chat a little bit? but i am not very goodby speaking english, so i hope i can improve it.

Hello Christina,
welcome here in LingQ. I am a student in English too, but I think when you are not so good in English it would be better to begin with writing here in our forums.

It is always better (for me) to speak with other students in a conveersation group with a tutor here and he or she can help for using the right words or for understanding.

You could take part in the English CHAT - or when you like more to come in contact with others - you could come to the German forum and there we have a CHAT too.

If you have problems with using the system, ask your questions (it can be in German in the German open forum) - I am sure we can help you.

How can I get to those chats?

Please click - Community- Forum- Offenes Deutsches Forum (Open Forum in German)- Laßt uns chatten. You are welcome!

this is the German Chat :slight_smile: there are more members writing but perhaps we are able to bring live in the English Chat