Only 19 lingq's of the day

I received a list of 19 words for my lingq’s of the day, while I put in my settings I wanted to receive 50. I checked, and I still have at least a 130 words that i don’t know yet. Is this not enough to select 50 words from? How can I prevent this from happening next time? thanks!

I think the daily words follow an algorithm, which means that it depends on how many you save, If I don’t save any words today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I’m pretty sure that my daily words (for the next few days) will decrease.

thank you for your answer :slight_smile:

Yesterday I made 23 new lingq’s and found that I received 43 lingq’s of the day.

Today I will try to make 30 new lingq’s and see if I receive 50 lingq’s of the day tomorrow :).