One month without lessons with a teacher,

Good evening everyone,

during one month I have decided to stop lessons with a teacher and focus on consuming content.
It was a very active month where I applied fully “passive learning”. I choosed one serie in Ukranian. There are something as 200 episods available. So no risk to run out of content. I have doing at least each day:

  • listening to one episod. Each episod is around 23 minutes long.
  • study the whole episod for new vocabulary. Usually it took me 1h30 minutes. Studying one minute of video cost me 4 minutes of time.

From time to time, I was also reading a book while listening to the audio book and looking for vocabulary.
During the weekend I was doing more.

According to LingQ, I have peaked at 2000 extra knew words and 6000 Lingq created for a 30 days period. It was quite exciting as a period when you realize you know new words daily.

Last tuesday I resume my lesson with my teacher. She said that my level has improved.
For me it’s an illustration passive learning does work. Even declinison/knowledge of cases is really better. It will impact the way I work. I keep the lessons for motivation and hints here and there which are quite usefull. I won’t spend too much time on writing. Payoff for writing is not that great. I prefer time spent on new video to practise more. Free time must be kept to have time to go on passive learning. Number of lessons must be limited.

I talked with one my colleque who was a fitness trainer. He was explaining in sport you can have high activity period where you develop your capacity and then low activity where you used your capacity. I consider than when I do high volume of passive learning it’s a high activity period where I discover lot of new words and ways to say and strenghen what I already now. Then when I take lessons I put what I have learned in use. It’s a low activity period. I like that idea and from time to time I will have my period fully focussed on passive learning.

Good evening,

Your story is very complete and very interesting. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Could you tell us how much time per day on average you spent on this experience? If you have written it down, how many words did you acquire in a month? Did you take a test to assess your level (B1 or higher)? And finally, I’d like to know if you don’t mind, which series you’ve chosen to watch (if it was on video), or watch (audio), on which channel? I’m personally very interested in this, as sometimes changing the medium of study helps me a lot in general. Thank you and congratulations !

I have spent a minimum of 2h - 2h30 per day.

I know the number of lingqs I have acquired. As those words appeared frequently I was abble to learn them. In term of real words as define in a dictionary, I can remember something as 20.

About my level, I did a few online tests with result B1. But it’s hard to tell. I will ask directly to my teacher. I really lack more experience with perfective / imperfective verbs. I start to recognize the forms but it’s slow.


книга Танці з кістками

Both exist audio and ebook.


This is the ultimate 2024 serie. You can find also 2023 and 2022 serie.

Черговий лікар:

Also there are different seasons.

Import is not of great quality. So I check every blue word before creating a link to it.
Sometime when the error is obvious I correct it as a small exercise.

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Hello, Добрий день,

Thank you very much for your reply. Дуже Вам дякую за вашу відповідь.

I already watched an episode last night, and it’s very interesting because it’s a change from the audio/video I’ve been using until now.

I know that changing the way I study is very beneficial, and the novelty is very stimulating.

I’ve completely abandoned the teachers and I’ve made faster progress.

Я склала тест B2 18 місяців тому (офіційний тест Ємова).

I have two zoom meetings a week that last more than an hour and a half. I talk to a Ukrainian woman, a French teacher, who wants to improve her French, and who is perfecting my Ukrainian. I also talk to her mother, who used to be a Ukrainian teacher in Kyiv. They tell me I’ll be B2++, and I’m beginning to accept that. But C1 is out of my reach. My goal was B1 in fact.

I’ve got another zoom meeting with 5 learners from all over the world, which helps you get used to different accents in Ukrainian, (and we have a female Ukrainian language teacher who supervises our discussions on a theme that we have chosen by mutual agreement.)

(I wrote a text on imperfective/perfective a few years ago, adapted for French brains, for my French colleagues who struggle with this notion. I don’t know if it would be of interest to you … I personally never use it.)

Thanks again, your links will be very useful, a new approach is very beneficial.

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добрий день,

дуже дякую за довгу відповідь. Я читав ту яку ви написали з задоволеням.
I will be interested by your document about perfective / imperfective.

Right now, difficulties I’m running in:
Remembering only partially words or being confused between.
For instance,
Я шукаю посуд.

When I want to say посад.

Or between
особливий і особистий

They are clearly totally different in term in meaning. I think I remember only the words starting with “особ”. This will deseapear with time and knowing more vocubulary. For instance, knowing “ocoба” helps understand “особистий”.

Sometime I block on words I want to say. For instance “Я продовжую …” . I say “Я продов”. And then I’m unable to go on even if I have used that verb many many times. I suppose it’s when there is a difficulty in what I will say after “Я продовжую” which requires too much brain power.

Rigth now, I have resume my lessons with the teacher I had for the last two years.
We are studying the сліпа video. She prepares vocubulary from the serie.
Plus I’m trying new teachers on italki.
With the first one I have put a goal on pronunciation and we discuss about a video.
With the second one we focus on serie:

It’s vocubulary clarification and discussion about the serie. It helps me make more vocubulary active.

Добрий вечір
Ці два слова довго теж плутали мене: «особливий і особистий».Я не знайшла старого файлу про недоконаний/доконаний вид, але в мене все ще є мій електронний лист до подруги (квітень 2023 року). Вона сказала мені, що вона розуміє. Я написала її відповідь, який допоміг їй зрозуміти, (принаймні так вона сказала та ще каже).
Сподіваюся, цей текст буде корисним для вас. Я публікую його тут французькою мовою, як я його написала майже два роки тому.
Good evening
These two words confused me for a long time too: “особливий і особистий”.I couldn’t find the old file about the imperfective/perfective verbs, but I still have my email to a friend (April 2023). She had told me what she was able to explain about these verbs.I wrote her my reply, which helped her understand (at least that’s what she said and still says).
I hope this text will be useful for you. I am publishing it here in French as I wrote it almost two years ago.

Elisabeth /imperfectif-perfectifs (avril 2023)
PROBLEME : "Le perfectif et l’imperfectif, Ivana me l’a présenté la première fois à la fin de mes 20 1ères séances de cours. Franchement, je n’avais pas saisi grand-chose, ni retenu. Lors de ma 2ème session de cours, elle me l’a ré-expliqué plus longuement et j’ai un peu mieux compris.
J’ai retenu : Selon l’adverbe utilisé, on utilise le perfectif (passé composé) ou l’imperfectif (imparfait). Le support qu’elle a utilisé provient de Яблуко pages 251à 253. Elle utilisait souvent ce livre comme support.
Les adverbes pour lesquels on utilise l’imperfectif : "souvent, bien sûr, rarement, régulièrement, parfois, … toute la semaine, hier, durant, rapidement, chaque jour, généralement,…"

Pour le perfectif : "pas encore, déjà, finalement, immédiatement, et donc, « vouloir que . » .

Ma réponse :


Il faut garder en tête que : :exclamation:

:exclamation:« imperfectif » = action qui perdure dans le temps, qui s’étire, se prolonge, se renouvelle : ___ _ _ _ _ _ … … . . . . . . . .>

:exclamation:« perfectif » = action avec une fin dans le temps, bornée, délimitée : ————— I avec un STOP

Pour nous, français, nous allons vouloir, en général, faire des choses au présent(1) , au futur (2) , au passé (3) , au conditionnel (4), en gros…

1 - quand on veut dire quelque chose au présent : il n’y a pas de question à se poser ==> c’est l’imperfectif conjugué au présent qui est le SEUL utilisable.

2 - au futur il y a 3 possibilités :
. le verbe « être » conjugué au futur + le verbe imperfectif à l’infinitif = c’est le futur composé ;
. le même verbe imperfectif, avec une fin conjuguée, ajoutée à l’infinitif = c’est le futur synthétique
. le verbe perfectif conjugué au présent = un forme du futur (très très probable), et là, on est très « affirmatif" sur le degré de certitude de ce qu’on va faire, je l’appelle futur assez certain, catégorique Ce n’est JAMAIS un présent, même si ça ressemble puisque c’est conjugué comme un présent…

les 2 premiers « futurs » sont à peu près équivalents, le 3è est + catégorique et affirmé, on s’engage presque à faire ce que dit le verbe.

3 - au passé, c’est là que ça se corse, et qu’ Ivanna t’a donné de très bonnes pistes pour choisir entre imperfectif/perfectif.

Donc 2 possibilités : le passé de l’imperfectif, ou le passé du perfectif.

  • En gros, ce qu’Ivanna a dit sur l’imparfait et les adverbes, elle a parfaitement raison (Les adverbes pour lesquels on utilise l’imperfectif : souvent, bien sûr, rarement, régulièrement, parfois, … toute la semaine, hier, durant, rapidement, chaque jour, généralement,…) ==> là, ok on choisis l**’imperfectif conjugué au passé.**

  • Je suis plus nuancée qu’elle sur "Pour le perfectif : pas encore, déjà, finalement, immédiatement, et donc, « vouloir que . » ….

Ce qui fait la différence selon moi, dans les 2 cas, c’est la réponse à cette question : l’action s’étirait-elle dans le temps (si OUI, comme un imparfait, en effet ===> imperfectif),

ou est-elle « avec une fin , s’est-elle réalisée, effectuée" (comme un passé composé souvent) , (voir :bangbang:en haut)
si en effet, il y a une fin de l’action, (dans le discours, le contexte et/ou avec les adverbes comme indices ==> c’est le perfectif au passé.

4 - le conditionnel : c’est simple : imperfectif au passé, suivi ou précédé de “б” ou « би"

Pour résumer : c’est au passé qu’on va surtout se poser la question du choix entre imperfectif ou perfectif**.**


Aujourd’hui, pour choisir entre imperfectif/perfectif, je me demande si l’action s’étire dans le temps (imperfectif), ou si elle a une limite dans le temps (perfectif), même si les adverbes qui sont utilisés sont un bon indice.

Si vous en avez besoin, j’ai Yabluko “Базовий рівень” et “Рубіжний рівень”, édités par UCU = Université de Lviv, en ukrainien.

Bon courage, tous mes voeux de réussite !

Je remarque que la typo du début est énorme, je ne sais pourquoi, je ne sais pas l’améliorer, désolée !