I figured out that my points, over 3500 has gone away; expired after 90 days from my account without any notification on my birthday lol. This is really Cccccoooooollllest thing ever!!! lol

Happy birthday!

Thank you for your birthday wishes! ^^

Oh, bummer. Sorry to hear about your points loss. That’s really awful because I know you contributed some great lessons to the Korean library, spent effort and time editing and recording. While I understand LingQ’s reasons, I still do not understand why…

~~Well the good news is “It’s your birthday, it’s your birthday.” Happy Birthday! Best wishes for peace, love, joy, well-being…

If you put some discussions in Korean I will sign up for discussions, although I am not really working on Korean right now. Then I will try to explain our system to you in Korean.


She/he wouldn´t have received points for her lessons, if points would not expire (if I understand the situation correctly^^)


I´m too late but…happy birthday! :slight_smile:

You are right Paule.