Notification filters?

Is there still a way to filter notifications?

I miss them too. On the exchange I was used to filter the lessons that got roses.

In German the Exchange in the middle makes no sense at all because the latest public request is more than 2 month old! Alle the news are in the quite small area on the right.

In general I like the new look but personally I would love to have the exchange on a separate page from the news feed and have the filters back for the news feed. I think it was not a good idea in the update before to put this all together because it made things complicated and unclear. Two separate pages would make it much easier.

Another thing I’ve noticed in the notification box…

The ‘X out’ function is only temporary. When you re-open the notification box it is still there.

Honestly, I don’t need to see notices that I have a new artifact or another 25 LingQs everyday.

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@pmilone - There isn’t currently a way to filter notifications. The notifications menu is quite new and we’re sure to make more improvements here. Your feedback in valuable in knowing how we can better handle notifications.

@VeraI - Thanks for your feedback. We’re also looking at some new ways to handle this. Nothing is in the immediate pipeline but we will gather feedback first then see what we can do to further improve the Exchange page.

@pmilone - By the way, I checked the timeline and the “X” button seems to be working properly. Can you provide steps to reproduce this?

It works but it’s not permanent! Open the notification box and they’re still in there.

As I was demonstrating this the second time around the ‘X’ did not work at all.

@pmilone - Hmm, it looks to be working properly to me. The confusion may be related to the fact that the notifications menu doesn’t currently have a scroll bar, so to add more results you will need to scroll down. In the first instance you removed all of the recent notifications and it is then showing older notifications. If you refresh the page are you still seeing the notifications from within the past 24 hours about receiving roses?

@alex- I see what you mean. It appears as though the notifications go back to Ad infinitum.

I also find that the X on the notification menu doesn’t work sometimes.

And for what it’s worth, I’d also prefer not to have my Lingqs of the Day show up there. Unfortunately I’m one of those people who can’t handle looking at notification numbers and just leaving them there, even when I know what it is. For some reason I must clear my notifications or I’ll go crazy looking at the number. So having an automatic notification every day bugs me.

I like the new look overall though, thanks for your hard work :slight_smile:

@jungleboy - Thanks for the feedback! We’ll keep this in mind as we further enhance the notifications. Glad to hear you’re liking the new site by the way :slight_smile: