Notations to Corrections Under the New Format

I agree with eugrus.

@Mark: the examples of broken notes I showed you were copied from a PC, not a tablet. I don’t see how they can make sense as they appear. Or can you see more text in the notes I mentioned?

@mikebond - Please try contacting the corrector for questions related to specific notes. It’s likely that this is just how the text was entered, as there is nothing we can find that would cut off notes arbitrarily like this.

@eugrus - The imported notes would probably be added as a Note through the Study Resources menu, as it may not always be in the target language and this would cause issues when working through the text.

@alex A good idea!

@Alex and Mark,
I have just corrected an Exchange submission in German (Login - LingQ) and the three notes I wrote look incomplete to me:
Note 2: “Film est masculin, donc on dit” (missing part: “ein deutschER Film”)
Note 4: “en allemand on dit” (missing part: " “un film avec soutitres en …” plutôt que “soutitré en …” ")
Note 5: “on ne peut pas utiliser le verbe” (missing part: " “gehen” tout seul, en allemand. Une autre possibilité aurait été “Ich möchte diesen Film sehen”. ")
I have this issue both with Chrome and Firefox (both updated to the latest version), and it is quite annoying.

Now that I have come to this thread, the same happens to me, just like mikebond mentioned:
In this: Login - LingQ
note number 3, I only see “em alternativa,”
and the same for Login - LingQ, note 2, I only see “Film est masculin, donc on dit”
I ddin’t test the other situations.

I’m glad I’m not the only one experiencing this issue! :slight_smile:

@mikebond, mfr - Ahh…I see what is happening. When you put quotation marks in your comment, anything after the first quote " is not shown. I will add this to the list but, in the meantime, you may want to edit those notes and remove all quotation marks.

Mark, I am glad you found out the cause of this issue and I hope it can be fixed fast.

Hi Mark! Glad you found out about the problem. Quotation marks are really tricky when it comes to code; I’ll remove them from my comments.

Well, I’d gladly remove the quotation marks, but I can’t find how to edit the notes or the whole report. Can you help or is it not possible after it has been sent?

@mfr - You should be able to click the edit post option for your post on the Exchange. Click on the little dropdown arrow in the top right of your post.

Hi Mark, I’m sorry, I don’t seem able to find that dropdown arrow, can you possibly show me a print-screen?

@mfr - Sorry, I gave you bad information! It is only your own requests that you can edit from the Exchange page. To edit Open responses, you should go to My Requests in the Exchange subnav and click on the Request in your list. It looks like Completed responses can no longer be edited which is the case with the one you would like to edit. I will see whether we can enable editing after a request is completed in a future update.

Thanks, Mark, that would be great!