Not able to delete known words

I have no lingqs, and i’ve removed everything from my vocabulary. But it says i still have 50 known words, how can i remove them?

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Some words are made known directly in a lesson, without saving them to vocabulary, so most probably that’s what you did. A list of known words isn’t available so you cannot see them unless you encounter them (white words) in a lesson.
If you want to start over completely, you can reset a language under Settings > Languages.


Is there any chance you could add a button and page to make them (i.e., “Known” words that don’t have LingQs) available in the app? Clearly the database knows about them, not just because it has counted them but also because they show up in the LingQ API call, e.g. for me Since one of the main points of LingQ seems to be to keep track of and learn words, it seems like it would be a critical part of the value to be able to see, study, and edit these allegedly known “ghost” words. I have 600-700 of them in Swedish currently, and really wish I knew what they were (in both senses!).

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That’s not in the plans. We belive there’s no point in having a list of Known words available. If you encounter any Known words in a lesson and you realize that you don’t know them, just click on it, take an action and save it as LingQ.

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First of all thank you for your considered and clear response – if this is intentional design, I accept it. (One of the hidden-treasure advantages of LingQ is not only that it’s a great app, but also we all benefit from Steve Kaufmann’s guidance on learning languages). I’ll therefore rephrase a bit in light of this: your suggestion here does not appear to be working for me, at least on iOS LingQ [LingQ v5.5.40 (1) running on iOS 17.7 on iPhone 14 Pro Max]. To construct an example, I can go to one of my lessons and see that LingQ thinks I know the Swedish word ‘få’. In truth, though, I keep tripping and faceplanting on it. When I click on the word hoping to make a LingQ out of it, then click on the check-mark in the upper right of the dialog box that pops up, I do not get an options list to change its status. (I would have expected that clicking on that checkmark for a ‘known’ word would allow me to change it, just like clicking on the 1/2/3/4 status of a LingQ in the similar-looking dialog allows me to change it). Is this a bug in the app, or is there another path I can use to follow through on your suggestion? You say “click on it and take an action” – what action? Am I missing something obvious?

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You are doing it wrong, actually. If you click on the checkmark, you are just confirming its Known status again. What you need to do instead is to select translation (suggested meaning) to save that word as LingQ and make it yellow, It will then appear as a status 1 word in your Vocabulary.

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Oh got it, works perfect, thank you so much!