Non-native speaker tutors at LingQ

I believe that non-native speakers can have an important role at LingQ. We know that we have mostly intermediate and advanced learners here.

I would like to see more beginners or low intermediate learners at LIngQ. For these learners it is very difficult to have a discussion with a tutor who does not speak their language. On the other hand, someone of the same language group can explain LingQ, advise them in their studies, help them find words and prepare them to eventually take on a native speaker as a tutor.

I would be interested in any ideas on how some of our advanced learners, especially those who are advance in English, can help us bring in more learners who are often intimidated by LingQ.

Hello, how do you do
I’m from lithuania,
I want learning nativ english
my goal is learning english languoge throw the lisning story, lisning nativ english people convesation at setere…

Your wish is great julius, there is everything what you need on this webpage. Just do it.

Hello Steve,

I’ve just come back to LingQ after a long break. It’s connected with my decision about the return to regular language learning process. Some time ago with the big LingQ’s help I did my breakthrough with my English and since then every time when I speak with someone about language learning I share with them my knowledge about the LingQ’s method. Recently, I even renewed the webpage ( ) through which I distribute my Polish translation of the part of your book The Linguist. So, I will try to share tips and tricks with Polish readers.

I think that non-native speakers tutoring it’s a nice idea. I agree that LingQ can be intimidating, even for me after the long break and many changes in the app, I have to teach it anew, but first of all LingQ is marvelous :). Thank you.

Great to have you back Greg.

I could reserve a small slot for the Russian beginners of English. However Steve, you know enough of Russian and would attract more students yourself. Ok, I know, eggs and chickens hunt each other :slight_smile:

Well done, Cakupa! I see you have hosted such slots already!

I agree with you Steve. There are many of us that have certain knowledge of other languages and that are prepared to help those who start in the process of learning a new language. In my case, I was born in Mexico but I came to live to California at an early age and even when English is not my first language, I communicate 90% of the time and for the last 30 yrs in English.

I haven’t lost my Spanish accent because to me it would be losing my roots and I am proud of where I come from as many of you are. When I joined Lingq, my Italian was for instance at bottom of intermediate but after one year, and after many trips to Italy and spending most of my time with Italian friends, I can say that I feel comfortable in many ways.

What I am trying to say is that, I have helped others in the languages I am studying myself for I can talk to them in their own language and explain how things work.

I can pass on my little experience I acquired during these years and believe me, many beginners get disappointed for they have to go thru the same things we already experienced and why be selfish and not show them the ropes, at least for the first few months.

Once they have a much better comprehension of the language, then they may seek native speakers to polish their accents and pronunciations.

Let’s face it, Lingq is not for beginners and if Steve allows us to help these people until they reach a certain grade of understanding, then I am sure they will stay.

Well done, Cakupa! I see you have hosted such slots already!
The more the better, as possible learners live in different time zones.

Way to go, Rasana :slight_smile:

I am also thinking about tutoring English for Japanese members whose English is at the beginner level.

I have a suggestion. It would be better to have an icon that shows a tutor’s native language beside his/her name on the Speaking page so that you do not have to check tutors’ profiles just to check their native languages.


That is an excellent idea. I do not know what is involved. We will look into it.

We may want to wait until we have added a separate language selection setting for native language, as opposed to interface language. This would enable us to show, with a flag, or something, the native language of members whose native language is not one of our interface languages.

Until we have a symbol denoting the native language of non-native tutors it may be a good idea to make it clear in the discussion topic that these are for native speakers of this or that language.

@ steve: A little language learning club, perhaps? A regular slot where non-natives alternate to talk about their language? A little cheaper in points than a standard conversation?

@ arenas: Like you, I’m quite comfortable in English and agree that non-native speakers could well be a starting point for some people who are not independent enough at first. LingQ-specific questions might be best explained within these non-native chats.

I stumbled, however, over your part of your last sentence, ie “Let’s face it, LingQ is not for beginners”. I don’t agree at all. When I joined last year, I started Swedish from scratch and was fascinated how the system and the thinking behind it let me dictate my own pace. I am now reading books, albeit very slowly. My main aim is being able to read (and understand) with ease. I realise this is off-topic, but it is an important statement.

IMO starting a new language from scratch on LingQ is possible but (up to a concrete language) quite or very difficult.

I’ve started Japanese from scratch on Lingq. I was pulling my hair out and sticking little pins into a wax model of Steve for the first 3 months, but now I really see the point of it. You just have to keep on listening to the same easy content over and over, like a child listening to their first nursery rhymes.

I 'm native Spanish speaker I can help anyone interested.

@ SanneT: You are right, I was probably speaking out of my own experiences, specially with Japanese. I should have tried harder but again as Steve says: “learning has to be a joy”. Consequently, I bought a book with a CD to learn the basics. Now that I feel more comfortable, I restarted my Japanes at Lingq. This way I didn’t have to pull my hair out like “skyblueteapot” but again I have much respect for her and others for taking literally the bull by the horns!


Why not got to the Speak page and create some Discussions in Spanish?


I have often said that we should do what we want. I think buying a starter book in a new language is a good idea, especially for a language as different from yours as Japanese. Good luck.