No notifications

I haven’t received any notifications and any daily words since yesterday to my e-mail adress.
Does someone have the same ptoblem?
I’ve checked my profile - I haven’t denied receiving them.

Hi Evgueny,
Do you have today’s LingQs list on Due For Review (SRS) list on the Vocabulary page? Also, can you please check your spam folder just in case?

The last post from I received on 31 March - after that no notifications, even your one I found only after I opened this side. I thought about the bugs in my computer, but my lap top also have no new post from though I have Lingqs lists if I go to the Vocabulary page.
My spam folder is empty.

Hi again Evgueny,
For some reason “Receiving emails” option was disabled on your account. Not sure if you unsubscribed from emails accidentally or it was a bug, but I’ve just subscribed you back and from now on you should be receiving emails regularly.

Thanks a lot, Zoran!