No ability to provide feedback on specific content

One thing that is missing in LingQ is the ability to provide feedback on specific content. For example, I have discovered a huge number of lessons with “joint words” such as “thisexample”, which obviously is problematic. Maybe, if there was a way to provide feedback the provider of this content would be interested in fixing such, or any other, problems.

@peterB1 - You could just post on the wall of the person who shared the lesson. Or, if you are a Premium member, you can edit any lessons to fix any issues like that. The community will thank you!

That doesn’t work for all content. I don’t know if it is the case for all of its content (someone else wrote as much here the other day), but I always got error messages when trying to fix mistakes in French lessons. It worked just fine in a Dutch lesson the other day, though.

If anyone does come across a lesson they can’t edit, please send us the lesson url so we can try and troubleshoot the issue. Thanks.

I’m not sure about the individual lessons, but I had the problem with several lessons of this course: Anmelden - LingQ

ok thanks. We’ll try and figure this out.

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@Car2017 I tried on my end and I was able to edit and save all lessons. Can you please contact us on support(at) , I need some additional informations from you. Thanks!

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