Newly Added to the Spanish Library: Enchufe

We’ve added dozens of videos from the popular YouTube channel Enchufe - An Ecuadorian comedy channel with over 25 million subscribers.

Because they’ve been a round for a long while, we’ve had to break down some of their videos into a few courses. Take a look at the following if you need some inspiration. This is great content for advanced learners who want to relax and have some fun, or for intermediate learners who want to learn how people “really” speak - This isn’t textbook Spanish!

Warning! This is a comedy channel, and the jokes can be a bit raunchy at times… If that isn’t your sort of humour I suggest finding another course from the Spanish Entertainment shelf.

Mundo Al Revés[Login - LingQ]

Antes y Ahora[Login - LingQ]

El Cura[Login - LingQ]

Cash Hondo[Login - LingQ]


Lo importante es que hay salud[Login - LingQ]