New YouTube Content B2 / C1 Level

Hey everyone I’m trying to find new YouTube content with real subtitles in Russian. I love history and politics and sport.

I subscribe to Лекторий Достоевский channel and теория всего.

Can anyone recommend any other good YouTube shows where I can import lessons. My level is B2 but I’m almost at C1




So you would have to settle for auto-generated subtitles, but you might check out the “Napoval” videos put out by Alexander Nevzorov. He will stretch your vocab something fierce.


вДудь is a great in-depth interview channel, often discussing politics. However, as it’s long-form, you cannot import them into LingQ with the LingQ browser extension, as the interviews are longer than the >90 minute cap imposed by LingQ. You can either study them directly on YouTube with Language Reactor or @roosterburton’s Video Tools, or there are more fiddly ways to import them into LingQ (download the transcript with downsub, then add the URLs to the lesson settings, or alternatively if you want the .mp3, download it with a third party software and cut it according to how LingQ split the transcript into 6k sections).

Орел и Решка is a travel show. It has had many seasons, so there are literally hundreds of episodes. Not all of them have full subtitles, but the more recent seasons have subtitles (which occasionally cut off like half-way through, but it’s alright). The show is in Russian, so don’t be confused by the latest handful of videos.

varlamov has several videos with Russian subtitles, such as his series on the former Soviet Union countries. So his videos are politics with some bit of history and culture. Again, quite a few of his videos are longer than the >90 minute cap imposed by the LingQ browser extension. Personally, I watch them with Language Reactor.


Try also МИНАЕВ live

and ФАЙБ




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Thank you everyone for the fantastic YouTube recommendations! This looks to be some great content.

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Two more YouTube channels with human subtitles are:

MrLololoshka is a Minecraft let’s player. The playlists are long and entertaining best seen as multiple seasons following one story arc.

Andrey Burenok is a Ukrainian travel vlogger, who also interviews people of other cultures.

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Спасибо. Ещё идеи. Я посмотрю.

Nevzorov is great and engaging, yet if you are not a well-established C1 he will be very hard to watch. If you want some entertainment whilst working on ur listening I’d advise the channel of Евгений Понасенков on YT (it has a somewhat long title) – not as hard as Nevzorov, yet, shall be interesting and fruitful in terms of language learning