New words not showing up after sorting on iPhone 12

Good day! For some reason, my new words are not being marked as learned when I sort them into known and unknown after the lesson ends. However, they are counted if I click on them in the text. This has been happening for a few days. iPhone 12. What can I do about this? Thank you!

Are you saying that words you mark as Known remain blue in the following lessons?

They become transparent, but the counters do not count them. I had 25,000+ known words in Czech, but it has not moved for a week. Because I add words not in the text, but from the menu after the text, where a column shows new words that need to be marked as known or unknown.

25629 known words were before reading, and remained after reading 1 chapter of Harry Potter :sob: although at the end of the chapter I processed 400 new words, added 150 to unknown and the rest to known

Thanks, I asked our team to investigate that.

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Hi @darbu !
Could you please share a screen where you sort words to known and unknown and mention what button you tap?
Please, be aware that on mobile apps when you tap the “Finish Lesson” button all New Words (blue) become Known automatically. So words shown on the “Complete your lesson” screen are already added to Known. Tapping on the “+” button makes this word a LingQ with the status 1, and tapping the “trashcan” button makes it Ignored.

A huge thanks to the tech support team - the bug has been fixed, and words are being counted again! Now I know 25,933 words <3

Here are 3 screenshots,

the second one appears after clicking the «Finish Lesson» button on the first one. This morning, 16 hours ago, the menu on the second screenshot changed. Previously, it had something like a trash bin icon. When you clicked on it (meaning you knew the word), the word would stop being highlighted in blue in the text. However, the counter on the third screenshot didn’t count these words in any way.

Now, if you finish the lesson by clicking the «Finish Lesson» button but don’t have the opportunity to review the words, the blue words disappear from the text but remain in the final menu after the lesson. This means that if you go back there later, you can still mark the new words as either known or unknown, even though they are no longer highlighted in blue in the text.

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@darbu , let me assure you that tapping on the “trashcan” button assigns the “Ignored” status for a word, but not “Known”. The button that moves the word to Known is indicated by the “V” (tick) button.

It would really make sense. But I typed other words exactly like that) Moreover, the words that are ignored should also somehow be counted in the known or unknown list.

I canĘĽt set up the pop-up page after scrolling through the book text, so I worked with that menu instead. How can I configure the app to make that page pop up again? IĘĽve already tried everything, but it doesnĘĽt work. Also, could you please tell me how to deal with those 5,000 ignored words that arenĘĽt in either the known or unknown list? If thereĘĽs a link in the help section, I can read it instead of waiting for an answer. I already asked ChatGPT about it, but the situation didnĘĽt change.

I also miss the undo function. For example, I uploaded an English-Czech dictionary, and for some reason, the settings got messed up and the flipped pages became marked as known. So English words got added to my Czech dictionary. I couldĘĽve undone it and everything wouldĘĽve been fine, but I understand this might not be necessary for other people. IĘĽm just sharing my thoughts on it. :slight_smile: