Good day! For some reason, my new words are not being marked as learned when I sort them into known and unknown after the lesson ends. However, they are counted if I click on them in the text. This has been happening for a few days. iPhone 12. What can I do about this? Thank you!
Are you saying that words you mark as Known remain blue in the following lessons?
They become transparent, but the counters do not count them. I had 25,000+ known words in Czech, but it has not moved for a week. Because I add words not in the text, but from the menu after the text, where a column shows new words that need to be marked as known or unknown.
25629 known words were before reading, and remained after reading 1 chapter of Harry Potter although at the end of the chapter I processed 400 new words, added 150 to unknown and the rest to known
Thanks, I asked our team to investigate that.
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