New to learning Spanish and have a few questions

I have dabbled in German in the past and know something of the importance of learning the genders, and the easy part of that was all nouns in German are capitalized. I have no such help with Spanish and noticed the clues don’t have feminine or masculine in them. I would really appreciate some tips so I get the right foot forward and learn the right way from the beginning.

Most dictionaries give you the gender and part of speech. For the general rules of gender just google “gender of Spanish nouns”.

A modicum of self-sufficiency and initiative is required to be a language learner.

Are you referring to ‘el’ and ‘la’ or is gender something else? I’m not sure on the terms, though I’m quite confident when to use el and la.

Thanks Vonk.

Andreas24524, Right. “El” and “la” (definite articles) indicate in Spanish the gender of the noun they accompany. Often in dictionaries “m.” (masculine) and “f.” are used to indicate the gender of a noun. Noun endings, usually “-o” and “-a” in the singular, also often indicate this.

Ya Ernie, I looked it up and noticed that. I’m going to buy a little essential Spanish grammar book, to review every now and then, but it will take me a while to get over the strangeness of the language. I mean I like how it sounds, its just the alien factor of it, like Steve said in his French beginners video about the fog. I was listening to the alphabet several times and am slowly picking things up.

No te preocupes si no entiendes el idioma. Con tiempo es muy fácil entender :wink:

Ernie, Thanks for clearing that up for me! :slight_smile:

The way I learned it is, as mentioned, words that end in -a are usually feminine and words that end in -o are usually masculine. Then there are some words that will always be feminine for exampel words ending in -ción (estación, canción, tradución etc.), and some words which are the opposite of the rule by ending in -a and being masculine or vice versa.

la mano, el día, el mapa, el problema etc.