New slots for Sunday and Monday

I have just posted a few conversation slots for Sunday and Monday, in either German or English. I’m sorry that I am such an erratic conversationalist. I am sure that I’m not alone in this: I often have other people’s demands impinge on my pleasure :slight_smile:

Dear SanneT,
I have bee waiting for you to post some slots for us for such a long time! Having waited for you so long might have make me crazy. I signed up for the wrong slot! I am very sorry for this inconvenience. I re-sighed up for the right slot again.

And waiting so long also seems to make me illiterate…
have make me →have made me :frowning:

…re-sighed up!? No way! I meant re-signed up, of course.

Leider habe ich keine Zeit, aber ich verspreche, dass ich für ein Gespräch mit dir in der Zukunft anmelden werde.

Darauf freue ich mich!

@ Cherry6120 I’m sure your sanity was never endangered. Whatever time you choose, it’s going to be a good slot!