New problem today

New problem today

Some languages have a new problem.
At least French, Spanish and Czech (classic), the course icon New Words shows “0”, click on the course and the lessons icon shows “New Words” remaining, click on the lesson and there are no blue words and claims the lesson is complete (I know It has not been done).

Another very annoying problem: When I go to my profile I can’t see a message sent to me unless I change the language I’m learning to english.
I received a message thursday and did not receive a notification, I saw this message by accident and the person who asked probably won’t see my aswer as well…

Very interesting. Now my problem is exactly the opposite! I’ve completed lessons but it’s telling me I have loads of unknown words… which I don’t!


the exact same thing happened to me today


@Lucas43 - That does seem strange. You mean you have to set your study language to English to see all wall posts or just that one?

@hedumunck - We are having issues with those numbers taking too long to calculate. We are working on a fix. Thanks for your patience.

@Albofluido - As for the issue with words reappearing as unknown, do they appear highlighted in blue in those lessons?

Just that one. About the notification, I can’t find it, maybe I deleted without noticing.