New languages

Hi mark/ steve, I know I have asked this before, but when do you think new languages will be added? Right now, I have made two conversations in dutch (ca. 14 min.) which can be added to the dutch section. Thanks!

gr. sjoerd

We’ll try to find the time to do this in January sometime. February at the latest.

Dutch? That was the first language I ever studied and I actually got quite good at it. I haven’t worked on it at all in 10 years and would love to get started again.

I wonder if the new languages can be rolled out as beta for now, just like Chinese and Japanese?

The issue with European languages is just the time to set them up, not a lot , but just another thing for our programmer to do.

With Korean, we are reluctant to introduce another language that may not work as well on LingQ s the European languages. We could easily do Cantonese, with Chinese text and Cantonese audio. Again it is just the time.

I wonder which languages are in the greatest demand. Which languages do you all want? Please let us know.

Haven’t we got an account on some sort of customer service website? Maybe we could set up a survey to see what demand might be like for other languages.

Maybe it could have several interesting/relevant questions such as:
Are you a LingQ member? (Yes/no/no, but I’m thinking of joining)
If so, for how long? (1 month, 3 months, 6 months, <1 year, 1-2 years et.c.)
How many languages are you studying here? (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5+)
Where do you come from? (select country from a list)
(maybe even:
Which is your native language? (select language from a list))
What language(s) do you want to learn (other than those currently offered)? (select language(s) from a list - a list with 50-100 languages would probably be sufficient, plus an extra field for “Other, please specify”)
…and the list of possible questions goes on…

What do you think?

Just so we don’t drown in one-line requests like “add X now pls”.

Here’s the url of the feedback site, You can start a thread with the language you would like and see how many others vote for that language.

hi mark, wich kind course free do you have ? Im interesting in inglesh course my level is elementary, i live in wembley since 2002 but i had no time to study. What do you thing the callan metod? can you please give any idea?

Hi Mar,

I’m not familiar with the Callan method although I think others here are. You will find free English courses on the Courses page. If you have already started your self-directed course, you will have to click “Change course” under the course title to see all other available courses.