I recorded four more lessons in italian. They are about running and some thing that I experienced in Seville. You can find them at these addresses

Running and why am I gonna create an awful lot more lessons


New one

Thanks, these are quite interesting. The last link doesn’t seem to work, though.

Uploading more, check them out!

This is a new lesson from Beppegrillo’s blog, about the hidden history of Italy’s unification

New from Master New Media:

Some more lessons about my stay in Spain

What I think of the Iphone, Nokia and Android

New interviews made by Beppe Grillo’s blog

New from Marco Travaglio’s Passaparola

Grazie Adalberto! Si vede che la libreria italiana si sta migliorando e arrichendo velocemente! :slight_smile:

Learn how the biggest publisher in Italy fell in Berlusconi’s hands.