New English translations about Russia and Belorus

I represent here 3 new English translations of my ltlle articles about Russia and Belarus:

  1. ‘Russia in Space’ tells about Russian efforts to stay the Space Power and about too much money that it needed.
    Here is the link to this article:
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    2.‘Why is the Russian Defence Minister sacked’ tells about the big corruption in Russia that penetrated also in the Defence sphere.
    Here is the link to this article about the Russian corruption in the Army:
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  2. ‘Journey into the past’ tells about the modern life in Belarus with asome very weird traights of this life.
    It’s a link to this article abou the life in Belarus:
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You can find of course find all these articles in Russian (if you can read Russian) in my collection “День за днём”

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My special thanks to Evgueny for your article about your stay in Belarus - seen from a Russian point of view. Some interesting details for me. A similar article in for example in a German newspaper would probably be more critical on the socialist structure of the country Belarus, but such a difference is interesting for me, because I can’t read articles written in Russian.



My pleasure!

Evgueny, please write the name of the country correctly not only in the lessons but in the forum as well. The official name is Belarus (in English it is the same as in Russian - Republic of Belarus).
Thank you.

It was correctly in the article ‘Belarus’, though it is possible to say in English also ‘Byelorussia’ and ‘White Russia’.
But in the Forum I wrote a wrong name that I corrected, but I can’t now correct the ‘headline’(Titel) in the Forum, it’s impossible.
And the adjective can be Belarussian or Byelorussian in English. I corrected it in the article.
Thanks, Ress!

Means, without double SS - only 1 S is needed.

I’ve corrected to ‘Belarusian’, too.
Thanks, Ress!

Privet Ress iz Bolgarii iz goroda Targovishte.Ochen interesnae uroki u tebe.V nashem gorode est na tsentrom royal iz Belorus i kto hochet vajpolnjaet melodiyu.Vsego horoshego!