New collection in Spanish - Diario personal

Hi there!
I’ve just created a collection called Diario personal. It will be a kind of diary of my experience in teaching English to kids in a primary school. This year I just work two days in the school, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, so there will be 2 new lessons every week.
I creaded a sort of introduction in several lessons and I have already uploaded the weekly lessons for the 2 first weeks. I hope to be up to date with this last week in the following days.
Here you have the link to the collection:


Hola Albert!
Gracias por las nuevas lecciones! me gusta mucho de saber cómo seguirías!
también la otra colección me encanta.

De nada! Me alegro de que te gusten!! :wink:

Great lessons, I liked it! Very convenient pace and clear pronunciation are invaluable for beginners! Thanks!