New bug on desktop browser version?

When I loaded up LingQ this evening I found that the page formatting was different. Some of the tools at the top are no longer visible, and I can’t scroll over to the right to access them. I tested this on Chrome, Brave, and Firefox.

Please review this, and if your team has made any recent changes to the formatting consider reverting to the previous iteration.

Thank you.


I had this problem also this morning.

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It looks like the whole site (or at least the French and Spanish libraries) is undergoing an overhaul right now that is currently making a lot of resources unavailable. Hopefully @zoran or another admin will make an announcement about how to use “new” LingQ. It isn’t hugely intuitive right now.

I hope that the “Library” section will regain a semblance of usefulness soon. It keeps changing every time I refresh it, and currently offers nothing.

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i am also having the same problems most of the functionality of the top of the page is a nightmare ,within a linq q lesson,and when not in a ling q lesson page indicator scroll bar missing when in a lesson , could we please roll back to the previous version on the web browser side ,many thanks

Thanks everyone, we are investigating the problem.

never mind. problem is fixed.

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Just to update everyone, support says that everything is fine on their end, and I have tested LingQ on 7 different browsers now and the formatting is broken on all of them. I sent them a screenshot with notations. I cleared my cache and cookies and that also doesn’t help.

Reducing the on-screen text size and switching to “Sentence view” don’t fix the icons that are falling off of the edge of the screen or fix the reading progress bar.

The library pages are still inaccessible for me. They time out and Cloudflare says that the issue is at LingQ’s end.

I’ll include a screenshot to show what LingQ’s lesson pages look like to me now.

I hope that things are back to normal soon.

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Same for me here in California. Since yesterday, I’ve been accessing the missing menu items through my history.

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the 3 lines ,top left , not working , for me ,
the ellipse , 3 words ,lessons, playlist , community , mouse unable to hover over , small circle top right , use to contain an arrow head ,

also unable to see the 3 dots on this page , and also not able to change font size and colour , hope this helps


Thanks everyone, we are looking into the issue.

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Same problem here. It makes the site almost unusable.


We will push a fix for this soon. In the meantime, you can get rid of this issue if you change the App General Theme from Dark to another option and the Reader background from set to System to another option.

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Thank you very much for the suggestions, @zoran. If I can figure out how to make those changes without having access to the icon for my account settings I’ll give it a try. The dark theme I use is browser-based, so that may not be the issue. I love LingQ and the efforts that the staff makes on our behalf so I’m just doing my best for now.

Thanks again.

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It didn’t work unfortunately. I will have to wait for your fix.

Sockdoll: you can enter your profile setting (general and reader included) via the forum. Perhaps you’re better then me in hacking the bug…

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Thank you so much! I did see before that I could access my profile via the forum page, but I thought it was just a chart of my study progress. I see now that if I click “Edit profile” I can access the other settings as well. Making the changes that @zoran suggested didn’t fix the page formatting issues.

Very helpful, thanks again!

@zoran, I think that you may have misunderstood. The reason that these page elements are no longer visible IS NOT because I use a dark theme on my browser, it is because your team has made changes to the page formatting somehow, which is moving/concealing various links and icons as well as the reading progress meter. They are just GONE, as the two screenshots here are showing.

I used a dark theme on this site for YEARS with no problems. I also had access to various page elements that ever since the recent formatting change are no longer available. If I switch to the “normal”, blindingly bright white background they STILL aren’t available to access, going back a few days now. The issue is at your end, I’m not the only one experiencing this sudden change.

Maybe your team ought to clear their caches to see what we are seeing. Something is definitely broken.


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March 18 there were no formatting bugs as logged above , March 19 is when it occurred , maybe a patch or update on the server side , please tell me you have version control, could we please roll back to the previous version , Also is it possible for the end user to see the current version number .

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Same as the other posts. Menu icons are missing off the top and far right of the pages. I can only access the current lessons, vocabulary, and each language through my history.

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Top image is your training video / test script

Bottom image is what actually displayed on the current version of linqQ lesson page.
the only functioning feature is the “coins”,

Every thing else is missing or non functional Ie Page bar scrollbar , "3 dots drop down menu ,“Sidebar >icon” “Profile Pick drop down menu , “Lessons” , “Tutors” " Community” Hyperlinks
flagged as a Pirotity1

can you give an update when will this be fixed , as a new user to lingq 2.5 months in ,to my subscription , my confidence rating of this product is at 30 percent , love the concept of lingq, but not its, functionality at this present moment in time .

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Thanks for the feedback, everyone.
Could you please check if your browser is up to date?
So far, we have been unable to reproduce this bug in any browser, and we are trying to determine what might be causing it.