New Bug on browser version

Just noticed a new bug tonight that wasn’t there this morning.

When opening a lesson whether in page or sentence view, the number of lingqs/blue words/known words no longer appears when hovering on the progress bar. All I can see is the title of the lesson.

Really starting to despair with all these bugs that creep up from one hour to the next.


Thanks for reporting. I asked our team to look into it.

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Hi SeoulMate. It is not a bug, hiding lesson word counts on progress slider popup was done intentionally. Ok, thanks for the feedback, we will work on changing it.

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Yes, please. This is not a welcome change at all. Now I have no way of knowing how many words I still have to lingq in the lesson unless I close it. This is far from intuitive.


I kept having to use drop down menu to see ‘Lesson Info’ to monitor my progress on ‘word count/lingq count’, but sometimes there was actually info missing, ie a few times there was no value or entry there for current lingqs count for this new lesson on the fields for the ‘Lesson info’ display - (should have been 32 lingqs already for that lesson) …

It would be useful to have this restored to the progress bar if possible rather than just the lesson title/name which already shows on the first page anyway?

Thanks for any help or feedback, Frank

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Please repair the browser version (google chrome). The word counts are important. There are so many bugs (or unfavourable changes) at the moment - It is really frustrating. The LingQ-list does not work either at the moment. It does not contain all of my LingQs in the lesson.


  • thumbnail (browser version): 63 LingQs
  • I open the first page of the lesson: 17 LingQs (there are less than 17 LinQs on the first page, but definitely more than 17 LingQs in the whole lesson)
  • I continue with the lesson. The LingQ-count increases gradually
  • At the end of the lesson: 78 LingQs
  • I open the same lesson on android: 94 LingQs