Need Help using LINg

Hello I’m really excited to have found Ling, seems like an amazing system.
My concern is how to get maximum effect out of its usage. is there any way i can get a tutorial, where someone gives me a tour…i’m leaning russian, and reading instructions in Russian is not easy…
thank in advance…

You are correct, Lingq is an amazing system. The support system is very good and many people will be happy to help you when you have questions or problems. If you read Steve Kaufman’s articles you will understand the philosophy Lingq uses to helping people learn a language. If you are having trouble getting started in Russian then follow the tutorial in English:

Good luck.

The best place to start is by taking a quick look at the resources on the Help page - Help. If your interface is in Russian, you can change it on the Settings page -

In particular, you should take a look at these three pages -
How do I learn on LingQ? - Getting Started
Two weeks at LingQ Academy - Getting Started - Two Weeks at LingQ Academy
Learn about our method - Learn languages from what you're interested in!

When you are ready begin with the Getting Started course on the Learn page. You can choose Getting Started as an option from the drop down on the right side of the page. I also recommend using the Tutorial when you open a lesson. You will find the Tutorial in the Lesson Resources drop down in the dashboard on the right side.
Then, if you still have questions, let us know or post your questions on the forum Language Learning Forum - LingQ: Discuss all things language! to get help or suggestions from other members.

Good luck!