Sometimes the sentences translation don’t work. It went fine for the first several sentences, but just then translation failed. Can anyone help me(´;ω;`)
Sorry to hear. What is your dictionary language?
I want to translate German to Chinese. And in some courses the translation does work. But just now I checked the one whose translation didn’t work, and now it still can not translate. Sad_(:」∠)
Thanks, our team is looking into this.
I don’t understand if the sentence translations are translated ahead of time and downloaded as the course loads, or if the sentence translations are done online in real time.I don’t want it to be the former, in which case many of the sentence translations in the courses we upload ourselves won’t work.The current state of affairs is that sentence translation works for almost every sentence in the course that lingq put together himself, but in the course that was built like an upload from youtube, sentence translation seems to fail completely, at least in my use.I pondered if this was due to my internet connection, but I switched different vpn’s all resulted in no translation.
Hi @Rangliche !
The lessons you import by yourself should obtain translations to your dictionary language during the import. If this does not happen for some reason, translations for sentences should be generated when you tap the “Translate Sentence” button in Sentence View mode.
Concerning LingQ internal lessons, which you can not edit - if the translation to a certain language is absent there, you can report such a lesson and our team will add the missing translation.
Please, send me in PM a link to the lesson that shows the issue on your side. This will help to figure out the case.