Need for more Korean content?

Since this content is in the Korean library, would you mind putting the title in Korean? ~~In any event, thanks so much for sharing your journey!

Steve, I’m guessing you mean the Kim Youngha podcasts? Yes, I’ve done a couple of them and I’m actually planning on going through them more systematically once I’m finished with all the TTMIK Iyagis – I’m on #127 or so.

The podcast I’m listening to nowadays is really just for fun practice. It’s called “The Go-Stop Show” and it’s a chatty relationship advice show from KBS available on iTunes.

Sounds good. The others I was gonna mention are TTMIK’s other books like their personal story audiobooks and Real Life Conversations book, which is different from the Lyagi series – shorter scripted dialogs. Those are part of their “for pay” materials.

Yeah. I have those as well :slight_smile:

In case anyone is thinking of paid Korean material, TTMIK’s RealLife Conversations are pretty good. They are quite appropriately graded. I think they are worth acquiring.

Thank you for your idea! I’ve just added Korean title. I hope you like my story :slight_smile:

Thank you so much! ~I really like your story!! It’s interesting, relatable, and you read it beautifully. Thanks again for sharing. I’m looking forward to your next installment.

For everyone looking for Korean podcasts, I came across this site that has a variety of podcast programming.

I am perusing through the lists to see if there are some interesting ones (to me) to import into LingQ.

Please take a look for those of you interested, and let me know if there are some podcasts you would like transcribed!