Navigating LingQ's horrible interface

  1. I just imported a news article. Where do I find this news article that I just imported?

  2. I accidently clicked “next” on the first page of said news article, automatically marking all words as “known”. How do I undo this?

  1. You can find all your imports under “My Lessons” tab on the home page. To find them easier you can change the sort by to Newly Imported.

  2. Paging lessons automatically moves all remaining blue words on that page to known. We assume you have created LingQs for all unknown words before paging. If you do want to read the whole text, you can choose the Full Text option to see the full lesson at once without removing blue words.

Automatic removal of blue words can be turned off in the Settings for the Reader. Just click the gear icon in the top right corner of the Reader. The “Move words to known” option is the one to turn off. However, this just means that when you click the complete Lesson option on the last page, all your blue words for the whole lesson will be moved to known. There is no reason to keep blue words. The idea is that you either need to learn them or they are known. (or you can ignore words).
Having said that, you can click on all white words to make them blue again and create LingQs for them. So, if you are reading, and come across a word you incorrectly marked as known or ignored, just click on it to make it blue.

Finally, you can reset your language in your Language Settings - Login - LingQ

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


You are not wrong, the interface is pretty bad. The good news is the important things work, and many of them are mavelous.

Just keep playing wit it until you can find what you are looking for in less than 5 minutes.

Keep multiple tabs open in you window and when you get someplace special (like your favorite course) dup the current tab and work from there so you can keep the “special place” tab open. Consider PINNING a few tabs.

Don’t ask WHY it is the way it is, but do try to find specific places that are difficult and post in the proper forum so maybe they’ll get on the list to fix.

Also, consider keeping a note app open (a DRAFT Email actually works very well for taking notes.) They usually are auto-save and you can always just send it to yourself or to your phone (and back) you can keep adding to on both your PC and your phone.

Also consider a Google doc or similar (accessible from everywhere there’s web access) though I find that a little tedious for quick notes.

Find a work flow that WORKS FOR YOU and just delight in how much this site can help you learn despite the warts.

[EDIT: The following paragraph was incorrect]
PS: It is raally a shame that people on Android see a star rating so low it looks like a scam or junk app (3.5 or so.) How many customers do you suppose they lose to that?

And remember it matters to all of us since the more customer they have and the more money they make the more than can afford to add awesume new features like the dictionaries, the imports, and lesson sharing, etc.

The import and assisted reading justify the price.

If I seem harsh, its because my day job is desinging and implemting software, and showing teams how to deliver quality products on time.

But I AM GIANT FAN and if it weren’t so wonderful I woouldn’t be here.

THANKS LINGQ for everything you do get right. Please keep working to improve the rest.


Thanks for the feedback - big things are coming so stay tuned. Also, the android app has a 4.6 star rating, not 3.5

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Zoran has the answers :slight_smile: Also, if you want to know how I uses LingQ, you can check this out - YouTube This should help with navigation.

I don’t think LingQ has a horrible interface. LingQ has lots of features that are amazing for independent language learning, and it requires some exploration to figure out how to take advantage of all its features. If you’re new to LingQ I encourage you to keep using it and you will become accustomed to it’s amazing usefulness. Welcome to LingQ! :slight_smile:

Plus they have an extremely helpful staff (Zoran) that answers any questions you might have very quickly.


Good. I confused it with another excellent app (in concept and value) which has a lower rating.)

I’m curious if you guys know percentage wise how many use the “move all blue words to known on paging” compared to those that don’t? Having used the interface for a couple of years now, I can’t imagine using the default action of moving all blue words to known for someone learning the language. I’m wondering if the default should be to move them to yellow 1 or leave as blue.

I would think the default action of moving blue words to known would only be helpful for someone who already knows a language to a large degree and doesn’t want to be bothered with the action of clicking each word to known.

Maybe there’s a better way to handle this that would satisfy both camps? Maybe a toggle on the main interface, but have it default when you first start using lingq, or first start a new language to not moving blue words to known? I can see where it may be confusing for a newcomer because they will not know that setting is there and will likely accidentally move blue words to known, not knowing that is the default action.


The newcomers will see popup message notification explaining what will happen first time when they try to page, with option to disable it if they prefer.

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Thanks Zoran. That sounds good. It’s been awhile since I was a newcomer so I didn’t remember that, or possibly it wasn’t there when I first started.

You just need to get used to LingQ. Explore the site, soon it’ll be easier :wink: