My trip to Argentina!

Hi everdybody !

In two weeks, I will be in a plane to Buenos Aeres ! It will be the long and far trip I am waiting for months and years ! Have you already gone there? Are you living there ? I will stay there two weeks and I would like to see many things ! Have you some advises? I will have somewhere to sleep in Buenos Aeres but It doesn’t afraid me to make kilometers to see beautiful things…
So tell me what you know ! :wink:

Does nobody know Argentina and Buenos Aeres?

I have never been to Argentina but I have a friend living in Chili. Me too, I would like to go Latin America one day.

My trip to Argentna is nearly finished, I will put on the library some texts and recordings of what I have seen. It will be in french of course !
See You

Mon séjour en Argentine se termine bientôt. La semaine prochaine je commencerai à publier des textes et enregistrements sur ce que j’ai vu en Argentine ( Buenos Aires, Iguazu, Mendoza et Puente del Inca). Tout ceci sera en français pour nos amis qui travaillent cette langue.
A bientôt


I look forward to hearing and reading about your visit. I may be in Argentina in December. I hope you had a good time.

It’s been a long time, Cécile! Me, too, I look forward to reading your diary. As for me, I don’t decide where I will go next time.

Bon retour!

One day I’ll go to Argentina, I’m very jealous of you. My family comes from there and of course because of that and the stories I’ve heard I imagine it as a wonderland… :slight_smile:

I was a very interesting trip even if I hadn’t the time to see all the country. I have just posted a text and recording in the French library. If you take it, please inform me if the sound is good enough .

Steeve, in which part of Argentina are you planning to travel?

Dilemme, Have a good reading and listening.

Blindside, there is a lot of things to see there. To see all the country you may need 4 months. Be patient and plan this trip !

I was very interested !! sorry

This week I added a new recording about my trip in Argentina (about the journey from Paris to Buenos Aeres). This week-end I plan to prepare another one (about my first steps in Buenos Aeres and Food).