My Lingqs are gone

Your LingQs aren’t really gone, you can still see them all on the Vocabulary tab. However reader at this moment only show translations for language you have selected as your dictionary language, not the additional translations you have made in other languages.
We are working in this and it will be fixed within next few hours. Thanks for your patience.

This issue has been solved, everyone.
From now on you can enable additional Dictionary language under the settings.

Sorry about that glitch. Btw, I should also mention that this change was made to significantly speed up the opening of lessons. Particularly you power users should have seen an up to 10x improvement in lesson opening. A huge difference for me!

AGAIN. The same old problem!

@ilearanlang - Have you made sure to activate whatever language your translations are in by going to the Settings and adding another Dictionary Language? As explained above, if you are adding translations in a language other than your Dictionary Language, you have to enable it now in order to see those translations. Or, if you are using the mobile app, you will have to change your Dictionary Language in order to see those translations until a new app version containing this update is published.