My Language Learning Report

Hello everyone! I am Rhys and I was inspired by some of your update reports and thought it would be a good way to keep progress of my language learning (I find journaling isn’t for me). I am an Australian who plans to move Germany early next year. Sometimes I might write these in German for fun and obviously for practice. I will probably aim for a fortnightly review. Please feel free to comment tips or even ask for advice
German 8 months Progress (I will just give a quick glance and start posting stats on my next update)
Where I am at:

  • I am up to the fourth Harry Potter book
  • Able to watch lectures and most youtube content without much trouble
  • Watched 8+ series with subtitles (not needed but it is nice to see the connection of spoken and written German)
  • Regular conversations with my girlfriend (almost everyday)
    Where I want to be:
  • Prepared for a C1 exam in the middle of next year (so I can start studying at German universities
  • Improved my speaking by getting a feel of the correct prepositions and constantly improved my vocabulary

Norwegian (22/08/2021):
Today I decided to start Norwegian so when I travel through Europe I have a few languages under my belt (and I find it a very beautiful language)
Rough plan (potential interruptions from heavy uni workload):
1-1.5 hours/day
Read Harry Potter and listen to audio book
Refer to grammar resources
Watch and import short Norwegian clips (can act as the non-existent mini-stories)
Start speaking at about 5k words (max 2 months)


Books that will improve from A1 to C2 level in German.

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Hey Rhys! I enjoy reading your Learning Report, Keep us updated!

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I read Maus when I was a freshman in high school in English. I keep meaning to come back to it in German.


I just ordered “Maus” from a local vendor in Germany will be reading it over the upcoming weekend. It will be my first graphic novel let’s see how it goes. The storyline seems interesting.

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