My hobby, my passion

Since I stumbled across LingQ on the internet I’m really excited about learning new languages.
recently I started to learn german, since 5 months I’ve been reading everyday but I think I shouldn’t.

The problem is that I had put another goal for this year, I was supposed to take the college examination for civil engineering. I should study Math, portuguese grammar, biology, chemical, etc in order to pass but I couldn’t leave german for a second.

I mean, I’d love to be in college by the age of 20, but once I start opening a chemical book my heart speaks stronger. I have the feeling that my time is being wasted learning biology and so on, and should do something else more interesting. unconsciously five minutes later I find myself reading something in german.

Does anybody already had the same experience?

I often feel super passionate about learning languages and “catching up” on LingQ…i.e. doing flashcards, creating LingQs, etc. and reading language blogs when I have tons of stuff to do for school…it’s how I procrastinate I suppose…

Language learning seems more fun when you have other stuff to do hahah


Language learning seems more fun when you have other stuff to do hahah
especially if you are writing your degree work… When I was writing my degree work, I every day cooked dinner for my parents, dusted, mopped floor (I usually is not very enthusiastic about all these home duties) – as my best friend said “Do everything, just don’t write your degree work”… Hopefully I did not know LingQ at that time, and finally obtained a degree :)))

You might think that learning biology is not fun, but if you were not supposed to learn that subject, you might happen to find great interest in it. By the way, I enjoy checking source lists of the pages on the Internet. You can find some descriptions about how the pages should read like the following:

#id_title { xxxwidth: 40em; } #id_text { width: 98%; height: 12em; These descriptions are not themselves beautiful, but I think that this page that we are reading is easy to read, and that the programmers are constructing the sight with a lot of devotion and passion. Anyway, we should do what we want to do.