My godson

Hi Mark, Hi Alex,

I wish to inform you that it “seems” that the link I send to relative doesn’t work. What works is the invitation through Lingq. I have a friend who has just subscribde ( today). Could do you, please, fix this point in considering him as one of my godson?

Just out of curiosity, which link isn’t working? Is this the link that contains your username in it?
Also, can you give me the username of this friend so that I can take a look?

Yes it is this link with my username. I said “it seems” because maybe is my friend who didin’t choose the right thing.
His name : Acrestia

Hmm…I can’t find anyone by that name in the system. Are you sure that he registered?

When someone clicks your referral link, the referral field is automatically filled in so as long as they register after clicking that URL they should appear in the list on your Referrals page.

Sorry, I forgot a letter : Achrestia

OK, I’ve now changed you to his referrer. It’s likely that he visited the site by either searching it in Google, etc. or by typing it into the address bar.

okay!!! Thanks a lot Alex. Thank you for your availability.