My gengo is looking for translators!

My gengo is working with a large customer to provide translations from English to Arabic, French, Japanese, Korean, European Portuguese and Russian. If you are interested in translating between any of these language pairs, you can create an acount here: After you’ve taken the test, please send me a message with your email address, so that I can notify the translation manager, and your test will be reviewed more quickly.

Advertising…tsk tsk…

Well if you’re not interested, then it’s just not aimed at you. But I think there might be some people on this website who will find this information useful. And if not, they can always ignore it :wink:

On a general note, advertising on forums often comes across as a bit spammy.

On a more specific note, we don’t encourage advertising on the forums. At the same time, you’re welcome to post on people’s walls if you think they may be interested, and you can also stick a link in your profile description.

@Alex: Since you can find a lot of people with a high level of proficency in two or more languages here on lingq, I thought some members would be interested. Also, this thread is not just completely random spam (I mean I’m not advertising tooth paste :P), it’s language-related.

   However, I understand what you're saying (many language enthusiasts don't want to use their language skills to make money, and this job offer doesn't appeal to the majority of users). So I won't make similar threads again. I'll take your suggestions and tell people about job opportunities privately.