My Conversations

I went to the help page for tutoring so that someone could sign up for a conversation with me, but I don’t see this tab that is mentioned in the help section. Is that information current?

Select the “Teach” symbol at the top of the page in the blue band. It is between Friends and Tasks. When you click on that it will bring up a calendar. There is a small box in the upper left of each day of the month, if you click on that it will bring up a box with all the times you can then set up the times you are available for someone to sign up.

@lingQuser - We are in the process of revising some of the Help section, but you can access the tutoring help page by going to the Teach page and clicking on the link that appears at the top right of that page. Just a little FYI, clicking on “Help” at the top will take you to the help page relevant to the page you are currently viewing.

@ghenders I got the boxes, but someone signed up, and I can’t see that they signed up, and I didn’t get a confirmation email either, but the student did.

@alex That is the button I clicked on.

@lingQuser - I checked in to your account and it seems the conversation request email was sent properly. Did it by chance go to your spam folder? Also, have you been receiving other emails from LingQ?

When a user signs up for a conversation, another box will appear on the calendar for the day of the conversation. It will also appear on your Timeline on the Learn page (make sure to have the Conversation notifications filter selected).

I have been receiving LingQ mail, so I hadn’t checked my spam folder; and when I did just now, I didn’t see it there either; but I was able to find it on my timeline. Thanks for your help.

I do have another question. Do the students see my schedule in my time zone or is it converted to theirs?

@lingQuser - The time zone of the user’s account is used when displaying times on the Speak page, the forum, etc., so feel free to create discussion times in your own local time as it will be automatically converted.

I was unable to accept the conversation request that was made. An error occurred. I’m quite confused. Please help! Thanks.

I still don’t see the conversations tab, and I was unable to locate a report, but I already spoke to the person. Can I still get the report? Can someone please help me fix this issue? Thanks in advance.

@lingQuser - I checked into this and there doesn’t appear to be any conversation in our system for this. As the conversation wasn’t confirmed, a report doesn’t exist and no points were transferred. I recommend only speaking with students after you have confirmed the conversation is set up properly, as otherwise you may not be compensated. In this case I recommend contacting the student directly and having them send you points through your profile. For the report, you may want to email it to them or post it on their wall.

I realize that the conversation was not confirmed, but now I’m trying to find out why so that I’m not hindered in the same way in the future. Is it because of some error in my account, or is there another issue?

Oh, and how many points should I ask them to send me?

You don’t have to worry about this anymore. I finally got the notification. It was for a different day than we had initially agreed upon, hence the confusion. Thanks for your help.

@lingQuser - I guess the amount of points is up to you; the standard price is 500 points for 15 minutes. You will have to figure that out with the student. In any case, I’m glad to hear that everything is working properly now!

Ok. Thanks again.

A student/lingq user pays (15 minutes) = 500 points but a tutor gets 375 points.