My Chinese banner/shield dosnt work.. My avarar

My Chinese banner/shield dosnt work… My avarar

My avatar dosnt grow… is it possible to fix :(((( Every day i lingq different words, but its dosnt go up. Always the same number of words. Yesterday it was about 350 today 296…

You will need to get to 500 Known Words before your avatar grows to the next level. Learn all about the Avatar on the Avatar help page, Avatar Help.

Mark i understand that i need to reach 500 and more words, but they dont go up they always the same number always 296… i lingq every day new words but it always 296… English is ok.

I think I have the same thing.for example :my lingqs is 213 yesterday,but it become 190 today.frist ,I think I couldn’t remember it .but when I know what is Irena p’s said,I think it could be proved my doubt.

Your Known Words won’t go up unless you are moving LimgQs to status 4 or clicking the LingQd button to move blue words to Known. Creating LingQs does not add to your Known Words total. Also keep inimd that the period for the stats on the Lessons page is just the last 7 days so your stats during that period can decrease.

@Irena_P - Keep in mind that the Badge shows your Known Words. These are separate from LingQs that you have created. Once you move a LingQ to status 4 it becomes “Known”.
In the Avatar Store you can see your Known Words to the next level and your LingQs to the next level.

Thanks Mark and Alex now i understood all!

"These are separate from LingQs that you have created. Once you move a LingQ to status 4 it becomes “Known”. "


i cant understood me was the same yesterday i had 350 today 296…