Movies vs podcasts

I have found that when learning a language, podcasts usually are at a higher level language wise and obviously more densely packed with dialogue than movies. However, I also find podcasts easier to understand that movies since they usually speaker very clearly unlike in movies. Does anybody else experience this?

Yes. It’s much easier to follow a podcast in writing. Podcasts tend to have a speaker speaking a longer time to present a thought where there is often more back and forth in movie. Also the podcast is revolving around a topic for some time, whereas with a movie there’s a new focus with every scene and it’s difficult sometimes to tell when it changes. Also the movie is relying a lot more on visual cues that you aren’t seeing if you are just reading or listening to audio only.

That’s why I don’t use movies in LingQ. I’ve done it once or twice but always feel it’s not especially helpful. I think something like Learning Languages with Netflix much better for movies and language learning.

I like doing podcasts in LingQ though.

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