Most Frequently Used German Words material

So, I am here after a few days and will be resuming studying German.
However, I want to change my strategy. I want to focus on learning common or most frequently used German words and then go from there.
Are there any stories or material regarding that here on LingQ?
Also, any other material or guidance will be appreciated!


The mini stories have many of the most common words and has a focus on these. As does probably anything leveled up to intermediate 1-ish.

Beyond that infrequent words start appearing, but you will still see the most common words over and over again in any material.

I would also recommend Nico’s Weg (I know someone has imported these into LingQ…the A1, A2, B1 levels). You can however also find these on the Deutsche Welle site with additional learning material…vocab list, light grammar, and exercises if you wish to look at those as well.

Nico’s Weg is a lot more interesting and there is video and speakers speaking at more real speed.


We had a discussion here a while ago about frequency dictionaries. It is hard to judge on how reliable this becomes though the farther you want to reach out with the most frequently used words. In a narrow set, with only the most few thousand words, you will probably be best served by reading beginner material, as @ericb100 already stated, as those will cover them extensively.

The larger the number becomes that you understand as most common the more problematic this approach will become, imho. It heavely depends of the type of medium, the prefered topics as well as the region (and maybe other factors as well) what words are used more or less often. Getting a “reliable” list of most common words will be though, I guess.


thanks for the link and I did complete A1 Nicos Weg series and I agree it is a great source.