Missing Podcasts?

I just subscribed to the podcasts at Padcast Alley. It starts with Beginner #35, Intermediate #47, Beginner #36, etc.

Is there a way to get ALL of the beginner lessons?


The beginner lessons from the podcast are in 3 collections found in the LingQ Library, EnglishLingQ Beginner Who is She?, Eating Out and Greetings and Goodbyes. Who is She and Greetings and Goodbyes are in the Feature Collections area of the Library. Eating Out can be found in the Beginner1 category.

I don’t feel like sitting here all day downloading 1 lesson at a time. This site isn’t very user friendly. You click on BEGINNER and it starts with lesson 39. You have to go through 4 pages to find lesson 1.

Look at any page of your website without moving your mouse a find a link to the LIBRARY. You CAN’T!

Read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_Meat_Navigation

I’m here to learn Spanish, not site navigation!

I want to subscribe to a podcast and let the software download from lesson 1 to what ever’s current so I can listen to 'em when I want to.

Is there a way to do that??

Actually, Batman, we would eventually like to have a way to subscribe to an RSS feed of a collection so that all audio files download automatically. However, that is on our wish list and there are a number of things we have to do first.

Regarding the navigation, the Library is a part of the site but not the main focus. It may be your focus but we expect our members to take lessons and study them on the site, create LingQs, write, speak, etc…the site is not designed so you can subscribe to podcasts. Try following our recommend 5 steps.

If you just want podcasts, there are plenty of podcast directories out there or subscribe to our podcast in iTunes.