Missing last conversation booking for my course

I’m about to finish my course with Marianne on “Les Médias.” In my account I was credited for 4 conversations, however only 3 conversations were booked. I am taking 2 courses simutaneously, both of which have 4 conversations. The second course “Le pronunciation,” also has 4 conversations and all those have been scheduled. Our last conversations :frowning: are tomorrow, however only one is booked. How shall we proceed?

My apologies for not getting in touch sooner, I’ve been out of town.

Thanks for your help.


Hi Liz,

The reason the 4th conversation would not have been booked when you signed up for the course is that there was some kind of conflict with your tutor’s schedule and that time couldn’t be booked. If the conversation was not booked, you would have had the points for that conversation added back into your points balance. Therefore, you should now sign up for a conversation with your tutor at a convenient time. Go to the Speak page and do so. You can then go to your course and attach the conversation you sign up for to the lesson that has no conversation attached if you are wanting to complete all your lessons.