Merry Christmas and Have a Happy New Year!

For the last two (maybe more?) years, Evgueny was responsible for voluntarily greeting everyone in the holiday spirit! However, with him busy in holiday business (or maybe because I’m just beating him to it), I will take over the reins and wish everyone:

Merry Christmas and Have a Happy New Year!
Feliz Navidad y Feliz año nuevo!
新年快乐 (毛主席万岁)!

Because I am not proficient in as many languages as many people here, lets make Lingq as international as possible in the following responses!

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Thanks for your greetings, Calculasions!
I am a bit sick and forgot about all holidays.
But of course, I wish everyone Merry Cristmas and Happy New Year!

Frohe Weihnachten und Glückliches Neujahr!

Веселого Рождества и Счастливого Нового Года!

Well, you already got spanish and I don’t know any languages yet (although I did take a couple of courses on Theological German), soooo Fröhliche Weihnachten!

God jul och gott nytt år (Swedish)
Hyvää joulua ja hyvää uutta vuotta (Finnish)

Veselé vánoce a śťastný nový rok. (Czech)

Joyeux Noël ! Tous mes vœux pour la nouvelle année !

Boas festas e feliz natal!
¡Felices fiestas y feliz navidad!
Buon natale!

Feliz Natal e Feliz Ano Novo!

عيد ميلاد سعيد وكل عام وانت بخير

I’ll be old school: “Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

Выздоравливайте скорее!

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Dansk. Jeg ønsker alle en glædelig jul og et godt og lykkebringende nytår.

Веселого Рождества
RT says Putin is celebrating Orthodox Christmas in Saint Petersburg

Thanks a lot!
Yes, our Orthodox Christmas we celebrate from 6 to 7 January following the old Julian calendar (13 days later)
I tell about it in my small article ИСТОРИЯ КАЛЕНДАРЯ (по-русски):


When I was in first or third grade, we had to say merry christmas (or happy new year?) in a foreign language.

I think I got Chinese because it was “Gung Hay Fat Choi.”

That is in Cantonese and it’s 恭喜发财。It literally means “may you become wealthy (make a lot of money)”

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Feliz navidad y feliz año nuevo / Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Colombia

Nice. Thanks!

It’s nice that you still remember!

Now that I think of it, in 2nd grade I had a Cantonese teacher who taught us ‘gong hay fat choy’ and I thought she was trying to screw around with all the students (and solidify stereotypes about how Chinese people talked) since I was convinced that it was supposed to be ‘xin nian kuai le’ coming from a Mandarin speaking background and I didn’t know about other Chinese dialects back then. It was only later when we bought home these banners we made with “恭喜发财” on them, that my mom made it apparent to me that it did mean happy new years. :stuck_out_tongue: