why would you want to import 150 in one go? That would take me a year to get through at least.
The amount he wants doesn’t really matter, the thing should work. @LinVega , I haven’t been able to import a single video for days, and I’m running out of content that I want to watch. You’re also kind of stuck, because you can’t watch it on YouTube and import the viewing stats to count towards your streak. I think I might have to try and separate the audio into a file and create a lesson using the audio, with the auto-generation of the transcript.
This needs fixing ASAP as it is a massive problem for the functionality and concept of LingQ.
I finished around 1600 videos in the last year or so. I have to delete the finished ones from my list since LinQ list filter becomes broken when the total video counts reach above 2000. Still, I have 600 in my list and 500 more pending in my Youtube playlist.
Is there a specific reason why noone bothers to check whether a problem is already known before opening yet another thread. The issue is known for days and is most likely caused by changes made on the side of YouTube, that LingQ has to adapt to. This causes issues with transcribing audio. If the video has a transcript or subtitles in the target language, there shouldn’t be any problems.
However, we don’t need half a dozen threads all adressing the same issue. The forum has a search function for a reason and having unneccessary threads makes it harder for others to orientate here and find what they search. So please refrain from doing so in the future and invest half a minute in searching or just read the thread titles that you can see when accessing the forum:
- importing from youtube failed
- importing from youtube is taking forever, is it still available?
We pushed an update that should improve YT importing. Please try again.