Martin Gore and Dave Huxtable talk about language learning, accents, it is pretty interesting. Martin Gore is of course a part of the band Depeche Mode, known for songs like Enjoy the silence, Stripped, A question of time, It’s no good, Barrel of a gun and many, many more. Gore is probably one of the best song writers of modern times.
I love to hear the perspectives of people, that do not claim to be language gurus/do not have a stake in language learning business, on languages, when they come from a “humble perspective”. Usually when a person claims to be someone it feels like some product will be pushed your way, whereas when the person “from the outside” tells their experience.
This video is so warm, although I’m way younger than them, it’s interesting how their school language learning experience is similar to mine. Cool converstaion.
I kind of always feel I have to comment on how schools teach way too theoretically when this topic comes up. They do kind of suggest that when they talk about how everything was in the present tense and then the next semester everything they learn was in the past tense.
I agree how there are plenty of interviews on how polyglots and outstanding linguists/polyglots learned their languages, but very little talk with fairly average people on how they did and what they think about it.
Martin Gore is as great a songwriter and musician as anyone can be, but his experiences of language learning are fairly normal and it’s fresh to hear someone like him talk about it.