Manually selection

I am having a problem with the Japanese linq “けんこうに” that was automatically chosen for me. I want to use けんこう as my word but it won’t let me de-select the に. Is there a way for me to do this?

Hi jaem, you can’t select part of a word. If けんこうに appeared as word in a text, you can select part of it and make it LingQ. That’s how it works in all languages, not only in Japanese.
What you can do is to open My Vocabulary page (Lessons > My Vocabulary), there you will see Import Vocabulary buttton on the top right and you can use it to import word けんこう manually and make it LingQ.

I’ve made it a LingQ but it isn’t showing up as selectable when I see it on the lesson page.

I still couldn’t figure a way to seperate けんこう from the に manually so I just edit my lesson and added a space between them. This showed my word (けんこう) that I had manually added/imported. I’d prefer not to do this (as Japanese isn’t written with spaces) but oh well… not much else I can do.

Sorry mate, I hadn’t logged in for a few days, forgetting to get back to your wall. (Check it out).In any case, it was an adverbial phrase like I suspected. Without the に attached, the word and sentence has a different meaning, so it might not be helpful to keep it by itself. Cheers.